Sea Battle
by Lieutenant Katherine "Kit" Vulpes & Captain Ansel Benoit & Commander Jade Troconis & Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki & Lieutenant Gregor Morgan & Lieutenant William Neil & Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere & Ensign Evie Forde & Petty Officer 1st Class Amalia Darcy
Victory |
God of War, Part Three
by Lieutenant Commander Matthew Foster
HMS Mars, USS Victory |
Counseling The Counselor
by Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere & Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki
Sick Bay - USS Victory |
by Avelina Morgan & Lieutenant Gregor Morgan & Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere
Barn |
Siren Song
by Lieutenant Katherine "Kit" Vulpes & Captain Ansel Benoit & Commander Jade Troconis & Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki & Lieutenant Gregor Morgan & Lieutenant William Neil & Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere & Ensign Evie Forde
Aboard the HMS Victory, October 1805 |
19th Century Tools
by Lieutenant Katherine "Kit" Vulpes & Lieutenant William Neil
The Barn |
Phone Home
by Captain Ansel Benoit & Lieutenant Katherine "Kit" Vulpes
Outside of the barn |
by Ensign Evie Forde & Captain Ansel Benoit
Barn- Earth- England in 1805 |
God of War, Part Two
by Lieutenant Commander Matthew Foster & Lieutenant Roger Sea-Skunk
21 October, 1805, the morning before the battle |
HMS Mars |
A Little Tipple
by Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki & Petty Officer 1st Class Amalia Darcy
The Barn |
The Gift
by Captain Ansel Benoit & Lieutenant William Neil
Prior to "Pinpoint" |
Opening Eyes
by Lieutenant JG Lakeland Smith & Commander Jade Troconis
MD 2 0600 Hours |
Barn- Earth- England in 1805 |
In The Hay
by Lieutenant JG Lakeland Smith & Commander Jade Troconis
MD 1 2330 Hours |
Barn- Earth- England in 1805 |
Needing advice
by Captain Ansel Benoit & Commander Jade Troconis
MD 1 2300 Hours |
Barn- Earth- England in 1805 |
Sit Down
by Captain Ansel Benoit & Ensign Evie Forde
Following "Meeting In A Barn" |
Barn- England 1805 |
Fancy Meeting You Here
by Commander Jade Troconis & Lieutenant JG Lakeland Smith
MD 1 09:30 hours |
Corridors of the Ship |
Meeting in a Barn
by Captain Ansel Benoit & Commander Jade Troconis & Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki & Lieutenant Gregor Morgan & Lieutenant Katherine "Kit" Vulpes & Lieutenant William Neil & Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere & Ensign Evie Forde
MD 1 21:00 Hours |
Barn- England 1805 |
Bribing the Smithy
by Lieutenant Katherine "Kit" Vulpes & Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere & Petty Officer 1st Class Amalia Darcy
England 1805 |
Blacksmith shop |
Now what?
by Commander Jade Troconis & Ensign Max Belanger
Holding room |
Foraging and scouting
by Captain Ansel Benoit & Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki & Lieutenant Gregor Morgan & Avelina Morgan
MD 1 13:00 Hours |
Earth/England October 1805 |
Permission to Live
by Captain Ansel Benoit & Commander Jade Troconis
MD 1- Following "Chance Encounter" |
Captain's Ready Room |
Chance Encounter
by Captain Ansel Benoit & Ensign Evie Forde
MD1 following "Pinpoint" |
Mess Hall, Deck 6 |
Looking Down
by Captain Ansel Benoit & Commander Jade Troconis & Lieutenant Commander Tanaka Miyahara & Lieutenant JG Steffan Moller
MD 09:00 Hours |
Observation Lounge |
Premonitions of Darkness
by Captain Ansel Benoit
After 'Pinpoint' |
Sickbay, Deck 7 |
The Calm In Chaos
by Captain Ansel Benoit
MD 1 After the events of "Pinpoint" |
Captain's Ready Room |