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Fri Jan 24th, 2025 @ 7:06am

Ensign Evie Forde

Name Evie Forde

Position Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 6"
Weight 130 lobs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Evie has what some would call a delicate looking figure. She is quite slim with long cascading blonde hair.

(Pink decoration on her face in the picture is face paint from a family/clan party.)


Father Ciarán Forde
Mother Dr Kerstin Forde (ne Blomquist)
Sister(s) Isabella Keaton (ne Forde)
Katja Haaland (ne Forde)
Other Family Mitchell Keaton (Brother-in-law)
Oliver Keaton (Nephew), Lilly Keaton (Niece)

Eric Haaland (Brother-in-law)
Michelle Haaland (Niece), Petr Haaland (Nephew), David Haaland (Nephew)

Personality & Traits

Ambitions Her ambitions are simple...

Live life, make friends, forge great memories. Maybe even learn a little more about those species around her.
Hobbies & Interests Plays a lot of instruments; piano, violin, harp and flute to name but a few. She is quite creative and paints, writes her own songs to sing and is known to get lost in her own thoughts from time to time.

Keen junior historian and loves learning about the history of old and current species.

She likes meeting new people, making new friends with the oddest of folk. Loves hearing stories, and will often just be totally enthralled by someone telling one.

Personal History Evie was born in Keel on Achill Island just off the west coast of Ireland.

Her father was a religious man, a preacher and held his own church on the island following the faith that had served them all for generations. He had met her mother whilst on a pilgrimage of sorts across Europe, when he set eyes on her on one of the Swedish coasts it was never in any doubt how it would end.

They both had a great love, one that swelled in the presence of others, one that was blessed enough to have 3 daughters come from it. Evie being the youngest.

Their childhood was mainly spent in Keel, the countryside a beautiful lush green with only the occasional shuttle passing overhead. Sometimes they would take trips to Kerstin's homeland, taking a transporter beam was never any trouble these days, almost like second nature and it left Evie wondering how people actually could spend hours, if not days travelling their own world. Her head was always in the clouds that way, and sometimes even beyond.

Often the family would gather round a big fire and swap stories. It was most often the parents as they had actually lived some of their life, not so much the young children before them. They spoke of faeries, the Tuatha Dé Danann. a race of supernaturally-gifted people in Irish mythology. That they were the protectors of Ireland, of the fae folk's way of life and that they were a descendent of these people.

Being typical children, they did not fully believe these stories, but the older they got the stranger things seemed to be at home. The sounds of fluttering wings at night, sometimes the 'good luck' the girls seemed to have in academia, in sports, and in life in general. They were always in good health, happy and bright characters to be around.

As they grew older, science began to come into their lives, their understanding of science grew and they were a little more sceptical than they used to be. Growing up isn't always sunshine and rainbows but Evie held on to her faith, held on to the notion that not all could be explained by science and that sometimes magic was just that.

Still, she was an adventurous girl and wanted to see if other species had similar beliefs and possibly to find the fairy folk that had left them so long ago (or so it was told).

After high school she went to College University, Dublin and got her bachelors degree with distinction in History.

Evie was smart enough for the Academy, but it felt a little too restrictive, too structured in terms of the expectations bestowed on them. She was a free spirit. However found a love of history and the study of the other species she’d always dreamt of meeting. Luckily the Academy was a hotbed of species and she found her fun there but was always looking beyond.

Gaining her honours in anthropology and archaeology, specialising in Vulcan artefacts, she found herself quite happy in the colour blue. A far cry from the lush greenery of her home and her people. Her fascination with history over the years in the Academy had only grown from her own species to anything she could get her hands on.

Her first assignment was on the USS Victory, named after the HMS Victory.