
  • 6 Mission Posts

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Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 6:30pm

Lieutenant William Neil

Name William Neil

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 4"
Weight 231
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description William cuts an imposing figure and works hard to maintain it. He keeps his black hair to a medium length and his beard is salt and pepper is colour.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Issac Neil
Mother Deloris Neil
Brother(s) Philip Neil

Personality & Traits

General Overview William prefers to look at and study a situation before committing fully. If there isn't time or resources for that, he will make a quick decision, but he won't be happy with it even if it turns out to be the right one.

He also has a sardonic sense of humour but tries to keep it in check while on duty.
Ambitions William has dreams of one day captaining his own ship, and he is a patient man so he is in no rush to make it happen before he is ready.

Eventually he would like to settle down to a small community and spend his time next to the water.
Hobbies & Interests William enjoys most outdoor sports and recreational actives such as fishing and hiking.

He has a collection of small wooden animals that he has carved himself from various woods and other alien plants that he has picked up on his travels.

Personal History William always enjoyed the outdoors growing up so it was a bit of a shock to his family when he joined Starfleet. They were worried that he was trading his life in the great outdoors for one where he would be cooped up on a ship. To William, this was the perfect opportunity to see more of the galaxy and experience what nature on other planets had to offer.

He made it through the academy while specializing in ship systems and operations. A year into his first posting on the USS Peter Easton, the ship was attacked and scuttled by Orion Raiders.

William, along with a handful of other survivors were put to work as slaves to the Orions. During this time William and the others banded together to keep each other going during their harsh living conditions.

After three years of slavery, William was one of three remaining survivors of the USS Peter Easton. Considered at this point to be docile enough, the three were afforded a more 'senior' and relaxed set of duties around the ship. Using this to their advantage, the three began to make plans.

When the time was right, the slaves were freed and took over the ship from the Orions after short and bloody coup. There was some disagreement on what to do next as some of the freed men wanted to use the ship for their own gains while others simply wanted to go home.

William and nearly two dozen other survivors were eventually dropped on an non-aligned planet and left to find their own way back to their homes.

There was a tearful reunion with his family that had given up hope that he was still alive, and an even more tearful good-bye when William decided to return to Starfleet.
Service Record
2353-2354 - USS Peter Easton - Operations Officer

2354-2357 - MIA - Captured by Orion Raiders and held prisoner

2358 - Personal Leave

2359 - 2362 - USS Congo - Operations Officer

2362-2365 - USS Venturer - Assistant Chief Operations Officer and later promoted to Chief Operations Officer

2365 - USS Victory - Chief Operations Officer