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Sat Jul 20th, 2024 @ 12:57pm

Avelina Morgan

Name Avelina Cerys Morgan

Position Bartender

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 140
Hair Color Dark Red
Eye Color Green eyes
Physical Description She has auburn hair which is thick and tends to curl. It trails down to her waist, in a braid. Her green eyes are brilliant and lively. She tends to wear a blouse and skirt.


Spouse Gregor Morgan
Father Sean Alfrid McPhee
Mother Sophie Eileen (Teague)
Brother(s) Randolph Thomas McPhee (32)
Sister(s) Evelyn Brook McPhee (30)
Other Family Cousin Matthew Teague

Personality & Traits

General Overview She is a pleasant individual, alway seeming to have a smile. She loves to be around people.
Ambitions Bring delight to others who sample her cooking
Hobbies & Interests Cooking, does craft work. plays the flute and gardening.

Personal History Avelina is the baby of the family, and yet that doesn't stop her from doing things she likes to do. She is the wife of Gregor Morgan Chief of security.

Unknown to some, Avelina used to be in operations long before she became a shop owner. She went though academy, graduated was serving several years then she left to open a shop with her sister, Evelyn.
Service Record StarFleet Academy
2354 went into operations
Graduated 2358
2359 Served aboard the USS Nimue as an ensign.
2362- 2363 SB 180
2363 -Resigned from Star Fleet