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The Calm In Chaos

Posted on Sun Jul 30th, 2023 @ 8:47am by Captain Ansel Benoit

373 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: The Trafalgar Roll
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 1 After the events of "Pinpoint"

Most people think that after witnessing a horrific event the worst is over. They would be wrong. It's the quiet that comes after that really gets you. Ans knew this to be true. He'd known it to be true since he'd watched the death of his sister when he was a child. Yes it was traumatic to witness but even more traumatic when he saw it every night after, in his dreams, or relived it during the day when the house was empty of her laughter.

He really wanted to be kept busy but there wasn't much to be done in these moments, not for the Captain. Everyone was busy making repairs and gathering data and he just had to relive over and over what this alien being had brought down on them. An accusation, a mystery to be solved. He wished he had a counselor on board that he trusted but he hadn't gotten to know any of them yet so he wasn't comfortable releasing his thoughts just yet.

What had the alien said? We had caused the death of his people or we would cause the death of his people? It wasn't something to be taken lightly. And he didn't understand it. Starfleet had certainly made mistakes since its founding but he had always trusted that in the end they would make things right. This wasn't something that they let happen.

Ans got up from his chair and paced the room. He picked up a PADD and began to jot down anything he could remember from the encounter. It would help during the briefing especially if everyone else was focused on repairs and not remembering what the alien had said. In that small way he could contribute to finding a way out of this and right now that's all he had.

He tapped his communicator. "Commander, please assemble the senior staff for a briefing in thirty minutes. I want an update on ship's systems and I want to discuss our visitors . . . words." He cut the channel after hearing her reply and sank back down into his chair. His first day on this job and it was going to be a very very long one.

Captain Ansel Benoit
Commanding Officer
USS Victory


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