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In The Hay

Posted on Sun May 19th, 2024 @ 7:55pm by Lieutenant JG Lakeland Smith & Commander Jade Troconis

2,028 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: The Trafalgar Roll
Location: Barn- Earth- England in 1805
Timeline: MD 1 2330 Hours

Lake stumbled into the barn, bumped into a barrel and tried to catch it without much success, tumbling over it as he fell. He stood up and winced that he'd probably woken everyone up. He spotted Jade from across the room and did a little hand wave without realizing the Captain was sitting right next to her. He blushed slightly and went to find himself a seat.

Ans grinned and waved to the Lieutenant. "Over here," he said simply. "I was just getting up and I believe the Commander here needs some company." He winked at Jade and moved back over toward Evie.

Lake's appearance after just having spoken of him to Ansel, Jade didn't know what to do except for giving a wave towards him after watching Ans make his way to where Evie was sleeping. She adjusted her dress which was sorely wrinkled, trying to brush out a dirt smudge on it. When Lake drew near, Jade gave him a smile. "Glad you found your way here."

"Oh me too, me too. I thought I was going to have to pretend to be a blacksmith. This lady kept following me around wanting me to make a key because well . . . I looked the part." He shrugged sheepishly. He wasn't sure if he should really sit down or find somewhere else to rest. "Is it okay if I sit?"

'Yes, please." Jade giving a shy smile."So a woman wanted you to make a key for her. I was wondering if others of the crew were swept down here with the rest of us."

Lake sat down carefully, making sure there was a few inches between himself and the Commander. "I was standing there ordering lunch and the next thing I knew I was in the middle of a road in the middle of a field that led me to town and I had the misfortune of hanging around a blacksmith's shop that appeared to be closed, trying to find cover until I could figure out what happened. And that woman started following me, waving coins in my face saying she could pay for me to make her a key. I saw someone else that I thought was Starfleet so I followed them here." He swallowed. "Are you okay? I mean, you're not hurt are you?"

"Oh, I am not hurt, just was a little bit roughed up earlier. Nothing like being mistaken for a spy." Jade commented, acting nonchalantly. "Though Max was a bit more roughed up. He took a few punches when they questioned him."

"Good . . . well not good but you know what I meant. I'm glad you weren't hurt." He sighed and brought his knees up to his chest. Lake couldn't think of a worse situation. Not only were they stranded in 1805 but he was sitting next to the XO and chatting her up like he was some sort of Don Juan. What was wrong with him?

"Do you, would you like to go outside to talk? I don't want to disturb those who are trying to sleep. And would be nice to see the stars, while we talk. Also... since we are here in 1805, probably best if you call me by name, unless you wish to call me Miss Troconis, and rignt now I er.. don't want to go all official." Jade was feeling ever so nervous, and felt like she was just prattling along in her chatter. "So... call me Jade please."

"Sure," Lake replied. Moving would give him the opportunity to delay calling her by her first name just a little bit longer. It was all too weird to be addressing a superior like that. Lake hopped up and offered her his hand.

Jade gazed at Lake's hand for a brief moment then accepted the help up from the crate. Walking outside, feeling the crisp evening breeze helped to cool down her heated cheeks. The sound of a cricket chirping from a warm crack of the barn, sounded comforting along with the distant music of a nightingale singing.

"Pleasant out here anyway." Lake commented. He had dropped her hand once she was standing and now found that his hands seemed dangling by his sides in a stupid manner. He tried shoving them in pockets but honestly this uniform he'd been stuffed into was a little tight. Apparently omnipotent aliens weren't a good judge of size. "Was there something specific you wanted to talk about?"

Jade pulled up two crates that were outside of the barn, taking a seat upon one, and patting the other for Lake to have a seat, she rested her back against the rough wood of the barn and looked up towards the stars. "There isn't something specific I wanted to talk to you about. Just maybe some conversation, with my not staring at you like I did when we first met."

"Ah. Okay. Not that I mind you staring at me." He mentally slapped himself for that one and changed the subject. "Where are you from? I grew up in a little town in Alaska. You've probably never heard of it. Nothing important ever happened there. People just exist." Maybe telling her a little bit about himself would distract her. Lake rather thought she seemed a little bit nervous.

Her focus went from the stars to Lake, looking at the way the starlight was reflecting in his eyes. "I would love to hear about your hometown, what was the name of it?"

"Sterling. It's very hot and dry in the summer and very cold and windy in the winter. It's in a big valley and the weather blows right off the mountains. I'd be happy to make a holodeck program and show you when we're back on the ship."

"I would love to see a hologram about your home." Jade giving a smile, "My home is back in Citra, Florida. In the heart of citrus growing area. Warm, humid, no snow but seeing the orchards in full bloom is much like a faerie land, and hearing the hum of the bees as they gather nectar, is so soothing."

"Well when we get back to the ship you can show me as well. I'm certain that we're going to need all the soothing we can get. " Lake looked up at the stars again. "I'm sorry if this seems like a weird question but when we ran into each other on the ship and we talked about rock climbing. Was that . . . Did you consider that a date?"

Jade froze, her mind going back to their first meeting. "I-I am not certain. I did feel like I was setting things up for a date, or that it could be thought that was what it sounded like. Just you and me." She stopped to look at Lake. "I didn't want to be embarrassed if I ended up falling on my backside when climbing lessons started. " she shook her head, "But how I was going about it in a rather awkward way..." she looked away from Lake. "I am just not certain what to do, and you'd think I would know what to do."

Lake looked at her with a curious expression on his face. "Jade." he answered her, nearly choking on her first name. " It's fine to be completely confused. Why don't we leave off labels and just say two people are having fun and spending time together? And you definitely shouldn't be nervous about falling. I use very safe equipment and I'll teach you how to use it so no embarrassment needed. And frankly if you weren't a little bit confused I'd think you were an alien. Not that there's anything wrong with aliens. Some of my best friends are aliens." he frowned. "What was I saying?" Then he smiled at her.

For one who supposedly was good in social get togethers, Jade was feeling like she was out of her depth in this moment. His smile was just killer, and Jade found herself staring once more, and Lake said her name! It sounded so lovely him uttering her name. She quickly realized that she was staring yet again. "Uh yes, the labels do need to be tossed to one side, just keep things easy going." this was something she had said to others when they asked for her advice, Including Ans minutes ago, giving her that very same advice, and what Lake had just said.

What was wrong with her?

Lake noticed she was staring and couldn't help but smile a little wider. Not that he was one of those guys who liked always having the upper hand. But this was sort of adorable. He was really tempted to kiss her but was afraid she'd have him drawn and quartered when they got back to the ship. Instead he reached for her hand again, lightly touching his fingertips on the back of her palm. "No labels," he agreed though there was no doubt in his mind now that she had meant to ask him out on the ship. "Are you cold? We could go back inside?"

Jade wasn't feeling cold due to the cloak she was wearing but noted that he wasn't clothed in too warm of clothing. The caressing touch of his hand upon hers, caused her to draw in a breath. "Sure lets go back inside, it
would be much warmer. " Jade slowly giving a nod, feeling her skin tingling from his touch.

Lake sighed. Perhaps that hadn't been the smartest thing to do. Hopefully he hadn't offended or scared her. He hopped up after her and got to the barn door before she did, opening it for her. "Ladies first." After she was inside he fluffed up the hay in a spot that was out of the way but slightly warmer than outside. "I don't mind keeping watch If you want to get some sleep ma'am."

Ma'am Lake saying that, felt as if cold water had just been tossed upon Jade, and she shivered somewhat. "I think it would be good for you to get some sleep as well. The animals here will let us know if there is something bad coming our way." Jade responded, with a slight smile. "I've got more layers on than what you do so... " she worked on creating a place for Lake to rest as well. And taking off her cloak, she draped it over the area. "One thing nice about these period clothing, Cloaks have a lot of material to them and can be used as a blanket."

"The hay will keep us warm too. It doesn't smell the greatest but then people in this century don't usually smell great so we'll fit right in." He noticed her shiver and became concerned. "Here," He said sitting down next to her. "Body warmth," he offered, extending his arm so she could tuck herself into him and they could use the cloak over the top. There was no way he was going to get a wink of sleep with her this close. But if she was comfortable enough to close her eyes then that's all that mattered. "Don't worry. Most everyone is asleep. They won't notice us so close."

Giving a shy smile, Jade took Lake upon his offer, and curled up against him, pulling the cloak over them both. Jade was feeling a bit tired, she and Max had an exciting day before arriving at the barn to meet with the others. Her eyelids began to lower, and before they completely closed she lifted up her face and gave Lake a kiss on the cheek,her breathing became the soft sound of having slipped into slumber.

Lake froze when her lips touched his cheek. He didn't want to move and wake her up again but he could have crowed with the best rooster over that. Going back and forth between his face flushing and the stupid grin plastered there he settled down, tightening his grip on her waist. He may not get sleep but he was going to enjoy every minute of this.


Lieutenant jg Lakeland Smith
Damage Control Specialist
USS Victory

Commander Jade Troconis
Executive Officer
USS Victory


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