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Opening Eyes

Posted on Mon May 27th, 2024 @ 1:42pm by Lieutenant JG Lakeland Smith & Commander Jade Troconis

1,188 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Trafalgar Roll
Location: Barn- Earth- England in 1805
Timeline: MD 2 0600 Hours

Despite thinking that he wouldn't get a wink of sleep Jade's warmth had lulled him into a heavy doze and it was suddenly the next morning before he realized he'd closed his eyes. Jade was still sleeping, curled up against him and he couldn't help grinning like an idiot when he was sure no one else could see his face.

The sound of a rooster's crow, broke through the dream that Jade was having, smelling the scent of her mother making pancakes with butter melting over them, and drenched with maple syrup. She began to stir, mumbling "Those look so good mama." stirring even more. She felt a warmth against her side, the scent of the barn now replacing the scent of pancakes. Her eyes slowly opened and she lifted her head, realizing that she was snuggled next to someone. Wait she was snuggled next to someone? Further up her eyes paused upon the features of "Lake?"

"Yeah." He replied. And quickly before she had a chance to be confused explained. "You were cold last night so we combined body heat and shared some hay so you could get some sleep. And I fell asleep too because well . . . it was all warm and toasty but nothing happened other than sleeping and body heat. Just so you know." He sucked in a deep breath when he got to the end of the long run on sentence. Well, actually she had kissed him on the cheek but she probably didn't need to know that right now.

Jade slowly rose to a sitting position, giving out a stretch and a yawn. "I think that was the best sleep I've had in a while. Thank you." giving a soft smile. "It was quite comfortable."

"You are welcome." Lake said, relaxing that she didn't seem bothered by any of this in the slightest. "Feel free to use my body heat anytime," he blushed realizing what he'd said. "Uh, I'd offer you breakfast but I have nothing. Sounded like you had dreamed up something tasty though."

Jade chuckled softly at his statement, then nodded as to Lake's comment about her dream. "Oh it was rather lovely pancakes with butter melting and maple syrup. Will have to make certain we've got some sort of food before we get onto the ship." she stated. "And thank you for the offer of your warmth." giving him a wink.

"You are welcome," he grinned back. "Anytime. I should probably go . . . I mean you and the Captain will be busy." Lake said the words but he hadn't moved. "Can we? I mean, when we get back to the ship. Can we make that rock climbing lesson a date?" He felt as if his voice lost steam with the last words but he was sure she heard them.

Jade definitely heard Lake's words, "Yes we can make that a date. I would like that." giving a bright smile, then it faded slightly, looking at her clothing, realizing her dress was silk and definitely stained, the lilac color of it showing the dirt. She also noticed the condition of her shoes, mere slippers made of leather and there was a hole in one of them. "Good heavens, I must look an awful sight in this dress. And these slippers not going to last much longer." Jade being rather grateful for Lake and his body warmth. She could have caught a cold!

Lake laughed and leaned closer to her. "Jade, you could be covered in mud wearing a burlap sack and you would still be one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen."

That caused Jade's cheeks to bloom with a fetching color of pink. Good heavens just the nearness of the man was enough to send her heart racing and cause butterflies to flutter in her stomach. She looked in his eyes, feeling herself being pulled into the pools of blue that they were, her face drawing near to his.

He realized that she must not see herself that way and it blew his mind. She was leaning closer to him, suddenly entranced and Lake swallowed hard, his lips parting slightly as he tried to meet her half way. And then he lost his balance as the hay shifted and smacked into her, causing them both to fall back into the hay with him on top of her.

This caused Jade to gulp, and her eyes widen, she looked up at Lake, her heart rate picking up even more. She reached up and caressed his cheek, feeling the texture of his beard, not making a move from where she lay. She didn't want to move, not just yet.

Lake sincerely thought about kissing her but this was all wrong and he rolled off. "I am so sorry. That wasn't intentional, I slipped." He offered her a hand up. "We have to save some things for the date right?" It was his turn to blush now. "Kissing, not well . . . You know."

Jade felt rather bemused at the whole situation, accepted his hand up. "Thank you," she said softly to Lake. Once she was on her feet, Jade brushed off the hay from her dress, and shook her cloak out before she placed it around her shoulders clasping it closed. "Perhaps the kissing can wait until we get back to the ship." giving a teasing smile. "other than that, we should see about getting ourselves back to the Victory, in either form. "

"Absolutely. You better find the Captain and do Executive Officer things." Lake did a little salute with his arm and gave her a smile. "I'll be here if you need anything."

"Well before I head out there in the capacity of an Executive Officer, how about an embrace." giving a bit of a smile. "And are you certain you don't want one little kiss before this happens?" Jade grinning. He probably won't, but hey, one can only open that one small door.

Lake returned the smile. "I'd rather be surprised for our first kiss. Besides, once this battle is over we'll have all the time in the world." Lake didn't say it out loud but he was slightly worried that this fever they seemed to be under was caused by the alien and not their actual feelings toward each other. He pulled her into his arms. "I'll be here when you get back." And just for good measure he kissed her on the forehead which he knew was not where she wanted to be kissed but it would have to do for the moment.

Jade chuckled, then she gave Lake one more embrace, before pulling away. It was now time for her to put on her other hat. Go check in on the others. And make plans on getting a different set of clothing. Could she have some different clothing back on the HMS Victory? "See you later, Lake." she said to him, before walking away. Before she completely left his line of sight, Jade turned to look back towards him, giving a smile.

Commander Jade Troconis
Executive Officer
USS Victory

Lieutenant JG Lakeland Smith
Damage Control Officer
USS Victory


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