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Fancy Meeting You Here

Posted on Wed May 15th, 2024 @ 5:07pm by Commander Jade Troconis & Lieutenant JG Lakeland Smith

1,395 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Trafalgar Roll
Location: Corridors of the Ship
Timeline: MD 1 09:30 hours

Lake picked up his tool caddy and rushed out the door on his way to deck six to repair a conduit that had apparently exploded during whatever had just happened. He was only a damage control specialist and wouldn't be informed until it was all over. He turned a corner, looking at medics checking out a young Ensign who had apparently hit her head and had a nasty gash above one eye when he ran directly into someone.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." He dropped his tools and held out a hand to the woman. She looked familiar but he couldn't quite place it until he saw the pips on her collar and froze, staring open mouthed at the ship's XO that he had just plowed into.

It had happened so fast, Jade upright one moment and the next she was on her backside, looking up towards someone, a rather attractive man. "Uh hello." Accepting his hand to pull herself up. For the moment Jade held onto his hand to make sure she was steady on her feet. Then again, there was just something about holdling his hand that she liked. He had the hands of someone who worked with them.

Realizing that she might be holding on a bit too long Jade released his hand, a light pink suffusing her cheeks. "Er sorry there."

"No problem ma'am. I'm sorry for knocking you down. I was just on my way to . . . . repair something. Honestly he couldn't remember what he was supposed to be doing. Perhaps he'd hit her harder than he thought. He must have a concussion. They both seemed to be standing in the corridor staring at each other. But if she didn't mind then neither did he.

She had a bemused smile, Jade was about to say something when a soft clearing of throat gave her pause. She looked down at one of the medics, who gestured with his head as if to ask them to clear the way. "Oh yes quite right. Uh er, Lieutenant, if you would come with me this way." Turning around and heading in the direction he had been going originally. "You are just the person I was looking for, I need help to open this door and free some of the crew members that are trapped inside. "

Jade could honestly say she liked the man next to her. Though she didn't know anything about him. She did want to learn more.

"Right," Lake responded. "Sure, Of course." He followed along after her, remembering to grab his toolbox only after he'd taken a couple of steps and had to double back for a moment. He waited for her to show him the door though the Victory's doors were virtually all the same. It was took effort to pry off a panel and bypass the circuitry.

There was thumping coming from the other door but when it opened several crewmembers came tumbling out. "Thank you!" the three female ensigns exclaimed, looking up from where they had fallen on the floor. They rose from where they had sprawled, dusting themselves off. "So uh yeah we're gonna go check in at sick bay."

Jade caught the scent of chocolate and also noticed that there were some splashes of chocolate on the ensigns unforms.

Lake tried to hide a smile as the women appeared to be trying to hide what looked like chocolate on themselves. "Survival food," Lake nodded solemnly. It wasn't the moment for chit chat but he found that he didn't want to leave. "Is there uh, anything needing repaired on the bridge?"

Jade thought for a moment then gave a nod, "Yes, lets go have a look to see what else is needed." She was loathe to part ways from Lake, just an excuse to spend a little bit more time with him. On the way there, Jade asked, "What do you like to do in your spare time?"

"Oh umm. Well I paint and draw. I'm just learning both of those things so I'm no Picaso. I like to listen to music, jazz and classical mostly but once in a while old rock music hits the spot. And I like to climb. What about you?" Was he even allowed to ask that? Would she be offended? Why had she asked him?

"I design jewelry, I love to read, I dance and I love to garden. Also I am open to exploring other things to experience." Jade replied. " I love to listen to music as well. And climbing I would love to learn to do that."

"I could teach you sometime," Lake offered instantly. Then he nearly slapped himself because why would a Commander want to hang out with a Lieutenant junior grade? "Or you know, a group of people." he stuttered, trying to recover himself.

"I'd rather do a one on one, if you don't mind. Would it be anything like climbing a tree? Or something more difficult?" Jade could feel her cheeks heat up, and her heart starting to race. What was she doing? Was she making a date with the lieutenant here? She remembered the talk she had with Ans, about taking a chance on something, allowing one to get close to someone, or the chance of affection. Oh gosh, should she?

Lake wouldn't have been surprised if his mouth was hanging open in shock. Was she blushing? Had she just asked for a date? "Uh . . . well it can be. But we could do something simple for the first time. Something easy to hold onto so you don't feel scared."

"T-that sounds wonderful." Jade's tongue stumbling over her words. "Uh when do you want to do this, um the lessons on climbing, rocks, a rock wall? The closest thing I have gone climbing on a rock was when I was going rockhounding."

"Oh whenever you're free. Whenever we can get a holodeck I guess. You know . . . after the crisis." Was he actually reminding the Commander they were in the middle of a crisis. "Sorry, I guess you knew that. Whenever you would like ma'am. I have plenty of time."

For just a few fleeting moments Jade had forgotten the crisis they were in. "Oh yes, after we get things settled, here." her cheeks going red again. good heavens Jade get a hold of yourself.

"I guess you probably already know all the people on the ship but my name is Lake Smith. For getting a hold of me later . . . when you want me to teach you to climb." He took a deep breath. Why was speaking so hard all of the sudden?

"Actually I don't know everyone yet. We've had some crew changes and so haven't caught up yet. I am glad that you told me your name." she paused then realized something. "Oh my name is Jade Troconis. Lovely to meet you officially, Lake." not bothering to use his rank or last name. Maybe she should get going, and not stand here and stare at him like some school girl who just developed a crush. Which she was doing right now. Just taking in how he looked, his eyes, his beard, his smile. The way he stood there, with broad shoulders...

Lake suddenly felt rather uncomfortable as she stood and stared at him. He couldn't help but stare back of course, it but felt wrong. He was sorry to be the one to break the connection but things needed to be done. "Sorry ma'am. It was very nice to meet you, but I should probably do my job before the Captain fires me. You're welcome to ring my doorbell anytime though." It was his turn to blush now.

Jade blinked then gave an embarrassed chuckle "You're right I er we do need to go about our business. Uh yes I was going this way." Turning around a bit too quickly almost running into the wall, she corrected herself cast a brief glance back towards Lake, giving a bemused smile before she disappeared around the corner. Once Jade felt she was sufficiently away she leaned against the wall to catch her breath.

A crew member passed by, " Are you okay Commander?"

"Yes, yes I am." Jade proceeding further down the corridor, feeling her face go warm once more.

Lieutenant Lakeland Smith
Damage Control Specialist
USS Victory

Commander Jade Troconis
Executive Officer
USS Victory


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