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Fri Jan 24th, 2025 @ 7:06am

Captain Ansel Benoit

Name Ansel Benoit

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 41

Physical Appearance

Height 1.83 meters
Weight 77 kg
Hair Color Brown flecked with gray
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Ans is tall and fairly thin. He is althletic, preferring climbing to any other form of exercise. His dark hair is kept short and is flecked with occasional gray that he says he comes by honestly as the course of his life has never been smooth. He has a calm face and a very warm smile when he chooses to use it. His eyes are small and narrow when he is thinking hard about something though they can twinkle if the moment is right.


Father Michael Benoit
Mother Bridget Thompson Benoit
Brother(s) Brother in law: Kevin Barns
Sister(s) Melissa Benoit (deceased)
Keela Benoit Barns
Other Family Nieces: Melissa Barns, Alexandria Barns

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ans, as he is called by close friends and family, is generally a very calm soul. He is intelligent though prefers to weigh all his options before making a choice. He has always been rather shy and reserved in social situations but he is easily amused and keeps his sense of humor to himself. He is very patient and it is this quality that he believes has served him well over the years, allowing him to find the right time to apply to Starfleet as well as take his first command later in life.
Hobbies & Interests Rock climbing, reading history or biographical books, acrylic painting.

Personal History Ansel was born on a farm in the Saskatchawan province of Canada in 2324. He was the third child and only son of Michael and Bridget Benoit. The Benoit family preferred not to use technology in bringing up their children so they farmed in traditional ways, using a tractor, digging into the ground with their hands and tending to the animals using their own strength and stamina. Though the children were raised in a traditional manner they attended a Federation Standard school meaning that they could use and understand technology even if they did not use it at home. The Benoits were always in favor of letting their children choose their own path in life.

His childhood was idyllic until he was ten years old when he witnessed the accident that took the life of his eldest siister Melissa, ten years his senior and the oldest child. She was his guide to the world and he idolized and looked up to her. His middle sister Keela, tried to comfort him but she was far more outgoing than he and often in more trouble than she could handle. She did not understand his quiet and gentle nature as their personalities were so different.

As a boy Ansel had often gazed at the stars, discussing who might live there and what they might be like, something he and Melissa both enjoyed doing. After her death he continued to map the sky, the stars he could see by the naked eye as well as the ones viewed through a telescope. He always imagined someday visiting each star. By the time he reached adulthood he had decided to join Starfleet and make his dream of living among the stars a reality.

He entered the science division in 2342. Ans quickly moved through the academy graduating in 2346 and though he didn’t make a lot of friends, people admired him for his thoughtful nature and kind demeanor. Upon graduating he was assigned to the USS Berlin as a junior science officer. He was transferred to the USS Excalibur Two years later with a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade. Throughout his younger years in the service of Starfleet he had many friendships with women but found it difficult to let anyone get close to him and therefore kept most of the women at arms length because he did not believe that they were truely interested in him despite what they may have felt.

His later years in Starfleet seemed almost faultless. Whatever decision he made Starfleet seemed to back and his career advanced quickly. In 2352 he was transferred to the USS Drake and given the rank of full Lieutenant. In 2356 he was again promoted to Lieutenant Commander on the USS Billings, and to Commander on the USS Chekov in 2360. Promoted to Captain in 2363. First command USS Armstrong in 2363. He was unexpectedly asked to take command of the USS Victory two years later. An opportunity that seemed too good to be true but one that he could not pass up.