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Wed Mar 5th, 2025 @ 3:33pm

Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere

Name Nicolette Riviere

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human – French (but born and raised in the UK)
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'3"
Weight 125 lbs
Hair Color chestnut but will sometimes put in auburn highlights or dye it auburn
Eye Color hazel
Physical Description There is a natural beauty to Nicolette but she does very little to maintain it. She wears very little makeup. Her long hair tends to get more unruly as it cascades past her shoulders. She has a slim, toned, desirable hour glass figure.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Nicolas Riviere
Mother Natalie Riviere (maiden name Richelieu)
Brother(s) Charles Riviere
Sister(s) none
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

General Overview While both of Nicolette’s parents are both from Calais, France, Nicolette does not take well to her heritage. She is much more comfortable with more typical British mannerisms than French. Perhaps this is because she was raised in Dover, England. Therefore, her accent is British but it has the hint of French in it, as well.
Nicolette is not prone to complaining and has what some might call a rather unemotional persona. It is not that she is unemotional; however, she rarely will emotions control her. Consequently, she weathers most storms with a calmness and certainty that everything will pass and return to normal. The lone exception to this is her nightmares which seem too real and leave her breathless. When these nightmares come, she often has to seek medications to help her relax and sleep, though the medication dosages are getting larger. So, she is desperate to figure out the cause of this condition to overcome it.

Of course, these nightmares either are the cause of or the result of her fear of water. Oddly, despite her fear of the water, she has a fascination with ancient wooden ships and will collect and build models of them.

She tends to be quiet and outwardly polite and sweet. So when she speaks up, people tend to listen. She has a dry sense of humor but it also can be sarcastic. She also will take special care to try to be inoffensive.
Ambitions To rid herself of her fear of water and nightmares of drowning underneath wooden boards.
Hobbies & Interests Hiking, running, aerobics, yoga, ancient ships and models, writing, mixology, beer brewing, bird watching, flower arranging, gardening

Personal History Nicolette was born on October 11, 2331, to Nicolas and Natalie Riviere. In accordance with family tradition, she was given an “N” name, like all the other women from her mother’s side of the family. Unlike her older brother, who was born in Calais, Nicollette was born in Dover, England, where her father ran a French restaurant. Her mother, on the other hand, continued to create lace in the antique, hand-made style for which Calais was originally known.

Nicolette’s parents would describe Nicolette as sweet but highly unusual. As a young child, she would scream through baths. Despite having some of the best French foods available to her from her father, she would turn her nose up them and prefer more traditional English foods, and always with a great deal of ketchup. She absolutely refused to swim as a child and would scream whenever she was placed in water past her knees. Concerned about this odd behavior, Nicolas and Natalie took Nicolette to see various psychologists who could only diagnose her with aquaphobia. As she got older, she would describe much more specific nightmares of not being able to breathe, being underwater, with wooden boards above her. What nobody could explain with her aquaphobia and very specific nightmares, however, was her fascination with ancient ships.

Because of her special needs, Nicolette’s parents were somewhat protective of her. While they took her out, they were careful to make certain that whenever she was to have a playdate, that the parents knew that her friends were not to tease her or go to areas that involved water or water sports. Nicolette might be pleasant, polite, and sweet, but this uniqueness narrowed her potential friend groups substantially. Those friends would often hear her parents refer to her lovingly as “Nico.” Consequently, later in life, close friends, relatives, and lovers were given the privilege of also calling her “Nico.” Anyone else would have to call her Nicolette.

One might think that Nicolette’s aquaphobia would cause her to be an indoor child. However, Nicolette found that she loved the outdoors (with the obvious exception of water). So, growing up, she could be found climbing trees, hiking, and camping. No matter how dirty or sweaty she got, when she got home, she would have to take a sonic shower to make certain that her body was in pristine condition.

As she aged, Nicolette tried to determine what she should do with her life. After another one of her recurring nightmares, the answer was clear: since no other counselor could determine what her ailment was, she was going to educate herself and figure it out. Consequently, she enrolled in Oxford University’s psychology school. She was a dedicated student. However, despite her best efforts, she could not find a cure for herself. Since she could not find a cure for herself, perhaps the best way to assist herself and reduce the nightmares was to go where water could not get to her: space. Therefore, she applied and was accepted into Starfleet Academy.

Nicolette spent four years at the Academy and graduated in the upper middle part of her class. While getting away from Earth initially reduced her nightmares, with each new transfer they have gotten progressively worse.
Service Record 2349-2353 University of Oxford
2353-2357 Starfleet Academy
2358-2359 Ensign, USS Minotaur
2360-2362 Lieutenant JG, USS Achilles
2363-2365 Lieutenant USS Neptune
2365 – present USS Victory