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Siren Song

Posted on Sat Jul 20th, 2024 @ 12:54pm by Lieutenant Katherine "Kit" Vulpes & Captain Ansel Benoit & Commander Jade Troconis & Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki & Lieutenant Gregor Morgan & Lieutenant William Neil & Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere & Ensign Evie Forde

1,886 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Trafalgar Roll
Location: Aboard the HMS Victory, October 1805

Captain Benoit led his crew of smelly misfits onto the HMS Victory without any trouble. It was as if the real crew of the Victory temporarily vanished in order for them to sneak on board without proper documentation. Oddly enough what Ans expected to be a long trip seemed to take no time at all. Obviously, time was being manipulated by the alien in order to get them to a specific point which was no doubt the Battle of Trafalgar.

The morning dawned particularly beautiful but Ans was filled with dread. Had he led his crew to their deaths? If they discovered what had led to the destruction of the aliens race would they just be let go and never bothered again? So many thoughts and worries washed over him that he actually felt a bit seasick. Where were inertial dampeners when you needed them? He felt the pressure of a hand on his arm and glanced over to see who disturbed his thoughts.

Gregor looked at his Captain with a trace of concern on his face. " Captain Benoit, are you feeling well? You look a bit pale. perhaps you should go to your cabin and lay down...." He stopped mid sentence. " Perhaps I should go check the Captain's and officers quarters first to make sure they're not occupied currently. If you'll excuse me Captain, I'll take care of that right away. "

Ans put a finger to his lips, not wanting his Starfleet rank spread around the HMS Victory. "I'll be fine, just a bit of seasickness I think. I think it's best if I remain here above deck. By all means, keep up with your duties." He waved the Lieutenant away and leaned over the side of the ship just in case.

Michael boarded the Victory and took note of how the Captain looked. Without a word he made his way to what passed for a Sick Bay on this ship. In short order he returned on deck with a pewter dish and approached Ansel. "Sailor, this is a slice of gingerbread and pieces of candied ginger. It should get the green out of your gills." Ki made sure to address Ansel commensurate with both of their stations aboard the ship. Then he leaned in an whispered. "Captain, this should take care of the seasickness."

Jade found herself assigned to being part of the crew, it was strange that it wasn't noticed that she was female, she was also rather glad she wasn't wearing that outfit she found herself in earlier. This current clothing though, was more comfortable. The jewelry she had was put in a pouch that was attached to her waist. At first she was set to swab the deck, got into a scrubbing of the deck race with a few other crew members. None of which were part of the USS Victory crew, then a shadow crossed her path and she looked up towards the Leftenent named Rutherford. "I want you to join him..." pointing towards Kit, "To go up the mast and take care of the sails."

Jade's eyes widened at this order, then obediently went over to where Kit was. "I've been assigned to be your help on the sails." she said quietly.

Kit gave a smirk. "You... sure about that?" She looked at Jade as she pulled herself up the first few steps of the rope ladder. "How do you feel about heights?"

"I am decent with heights but I've never climbed up a ships rigging before, so should be an interesting experience. " Jade remarked, "So currently you are my boss," giving a small smile.

Kit smirked. "Well then, you're in for a bit of fun. Just make sure you hang on tight at all times. Waves might get a little choppy, and we can't have you getting flung overboard." She gestured with her head as she pulled herself up a couple more body lengths. "Let's get to it!"

Jade followed after Kit giving a slight gulp as she felt the sway of the lines this was going to be challenge. "I do not want to lose my grip either and fall to the deck below."

Kit released one hand, turning so she hung by a single hand, one ankle looped in the rope. "Keep an eye on the sea ahead so you can anticipate any swells. Seas don't look too rough. Once you're at the top, we'll get you situated on the mast." She gave a grin, as if enjoying herself. "Come on, before someone hollers at us for being too slow."

"Most definitely and I can see one just staring up at us." Jade replied with a smirk.

"You're doing great!" Kit smiled, taking in the breath of fresh air. As much as she had been in a hurry to leave her home colony, there was something about the smell of salt water that grounded her. "Try to keep three points of contact on the rigging at all times. We'll want to stick to the windward side of the sails once we're up top."

"Good advice." Jade answered, following Kit's instructions.

William found the Ship's Master, Thomas Atkinson and was quickly assigned duties around the below decks as they began loading the cargo. He took note of the copper plating around where the powder was stored. Copper didn't spark. It intrigued him how they kept the ship level and trim using these base instruments and calculations.

"Mr. Neil," Atkinson called out. "I need you to oversee the loading of the crew's spirits. Here is the expected inventory. I want it all accounted for. Every drop missing comes out of your personal rations."

William nodded and took the paper. "Aye sir." Before hurrying off for this no-doubt important task of making sure they had enough alcohol to keeping everyone happily tipsy.

Evie had been handed a mop and bucket. "I knew I'd be cleaning this stupid ship." She grumbled as the man who handed it to her turned and looked at her.

Suddenly he struck her with the back of his hand leaving a red mark on her cheek. "You'll do as you're told boy, or you'll be fish food before we leave port." He sniggered as he walked away.

Rubbing her cheek and suppressing a few tears she was glad no one else saw what happened. However, the red mark would not soon fade.

Nicolette did not know how she got on the ship. What she did know was that she felt sick. She wanted to run. She had to get off this ship. However, the crew was ordered here and so she was here. The Counselor, however, was extremely uncomfortable. She froze on the deck.

The ship was not moving. That was something. However, there was something about this moment that felt inevitable. Something about it which caused her dread. Whatever it was, Nicolette was caught in the middle of it and she felt completely helpless.

I've got to move! I've got to do something. They see me as a boy. If I do nothing, I might get hurt, she observed as she heard Evie get struck. Try as she might, though, Nicolette could not move.

As Michael was about to go below decks and back to his Sick Bay, a place where he knew he would not face any trouble. He noticed the ship's counselor Lieutenant Riviere frozen in place. He exhaled sharply through his nose and walked with purpose behind her. He whispered loud enough for her to hear and no one else. "Counselor, it Dr Ki. I am about to yell at you. I need you to respond as I am your superior officer. This will get you out of the way. Nod if you understand."

The frozen counselor worked up enough energy to nod nearly imperceptibly.

Michael stepped back and took a long looping stride to get in front of Nicolette. He raised his voice loud enough for anyone in the vicinity to hear. "Listen here boy! This ship is going into combat and I told you to clean my instruments. Yet I still find them dirty. Now get yourself below decks and I expect to see my face in those scalpels." He motioned toward the hatch that led to his Sick Bay. "I said move it!"

Below deck? There's no water to see down there. Perhaps that would help. If you don't see the water, it is no different than a starship, right? She started to scramble towards the hatch but as she opened it, she froze again. Oh, no! It is my nightmare! It is real! I drown down there! I have to get off. With that, Nicolette started to run back towards Michael and towards anything that would lead her off the ship.

Michael had no idea what triggered the Counselor; however, he could not allow her off the ship. Desertion was punishable by death, and everyone here seemed to think she was a young boy enlisted in the King's Navy. He intercepted her as she ran away and wrapped his arms around her waist. Her own forward momentum allowed him to scoop her up and on his shoulder. "Now see here, boy! We will make a man out of you yet." As Michael carried Nicolette below decks to Sick Bay, he could hear other members of the crew making remarks similar to the one he had just made.

Nicolette kicked and hit the doctor futilely. "Let me go!" she demanded, while wrapped tightly. Intellectually, she knew she had no hope of getting free but she tried nonetheless.

Both Amalia and Avelina were assigned to the ship's galley, Amalia for peeling a stack of potatoes and Avelina put in charge of cooking. The redhead was quite happy that it was cool enough to keep the galley cool just a slight amount. The potatoes were for a stew, which was boiling upon a stove.

Evie was muttering away as she mopped the deck. She disliked this period even before she got on board the HMS Victory. From the smelly man in the pub, to the smells of a barn and now she just felt all she could possibly breathe in was muck and whatnot. Very unhygienic century and way of living. She caught a few glimpses of men sizing her up, and not for a fight as they held a suspicious glint in their eye. Almost as if they didn't fully believe her appearance was genuine.

Feeling uncomfortable, the brace under her shirt shifting position she moved off to behind a few crates to fix it. It felt suffocating at the best of times but doing manual work whilst having a large layer of fabric pressing down on your chest made it all the more difficult.

Above on the masts, Jade's mouth dropped open as she surveyed the ocean blue, she looked at Kit "This is the best place to get a good perspective on things. And I love the view!"

Kit swung her leg up and hoisted herself onto one of the masts, taking in a breath of sea air. She put up a hand to shield her eyes, looking around over the horizon. She quickly put two fingers to her lips and gave a sharp whistle. “Ships ahoy! Off the starboard bow!”


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