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Looking Down

Posted on Fri Sep 1st, 2023 @ 2:10pm by Captain Ansel Benoit & Commander Jade Troconis & Lieutenant Commander Tanaka Miyahara & Lieutenant JG Steffan Moller

1,096 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Trafalgar Roll
Location: Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD 09:00 Hours

Ans was the first person in the observation lounge. He expected all his officers were dealing with the crisis in their own departments. Sometimes being the Captain was the loneliest position on the ship. He could give them orders and they would pass those orders down to their teams but he didn't do a lot of the physical aspects of keeping the ship running. When he tried to help, people often shooed him away. He was the figurehead and the one they looked up to even when he didn't feel worthy of their gaze. He sucked in a deep breath and turned when the observation lounge doors opened.

The door whooshed open and Jade stepped in, she was carrying a mug of coffee , which was sealed in one hand and padd in the other. Jade glanced around seeing that she was the next one there. She turned her attention to the Captain. "Glad to see you upright once more, sir."

Her having had her brain 'rattled' so to speak, Jade had gone to take a little bit of time to start checking on the condition of the ship. And check her own status as well. That and to take stock as to what that Alien had commented on. Perhaps she should have spoken to the Captain about comparing notes but, where to begin?

"I do have reports starting to filter in, on damage the ship has taken. I tried to go into engineering and got shooed off at the time. Fergus was having none of that. He was quite in the mood."

"Yes," Ans said with a strained smile. "Those engineering types can be quite touchy about their territory."

Doctor Moller was next to arrive, he hurried into the Observation Lounge with a padd in his hand. "Sorry if I'm late." He said sounding puffed and out of breath. As he took a seat he caught the first officers eyes and smiled warmly.

Miyahara was next to arrive, his head wrapped in bandages from when he was flung across the bridge.

"If the Doc is late, it's likely because of me." Miyahara said as he settled into a nearby seat. "You won't believe how much convincing it took for Medical to let me return to duty."

"It's alright, everyone take a seat." Ans said, rubbing his throbbing temples. He wasn't sure if it was from being thrown across the bridge or the loudness of the aftermath. " I'm sure you all have lots of questions and a lot to report so let's go around one at a time. Commander," he said gesturing to Miyahara, "If you'd like to discuss any damage we've sustained and a possible timeline for repairing it?"

Jade gave a nod, then took a sip of her coffee to gather her thoughts.

"Well, phasers, torpedoes, and transporters, both personnel and cargo, are all offline." Miyahara began. "Artificial gravity and life support are offline on decks 3-5, 7-9 and 11. Deck 14 is also reporting artificial gravity issues, though life support is stable. All affected decks have been evacuated. About the only two pieces of good news are that we didn't suffer any hull breaches and we just recently restored power to the shield generators, and as such, our shields are back online. As for a timeline of repairs; from what I've heard from engineering, their priority is getting life support and artificial gravity restored, and they estimate that it will take anywhere between 1 and 18 hours, depending on how badly both systems are damaged on affected decks. After that, it should only be a matter of a few hours to restore our offensive capabilities. To play it safe, I'd estimate that repairs will be complete in 24 hours."

"Thank you Commander," Ans let out an inaudible sigh. Was anything working correctly on this ship? It could be a lot worse and he was thanking all the gods he could think of that it was so.

"Doctor?" Ans asked, continuing the briefing.

"Well, our casualties were light. A few scuffs, scraps and bruises. The odd broken bone and a nice concussion for the Commander there..." he said waving a casual finger towards Miyahara. "...but not fatalities."

"Good, we could use some good news these days." Ans replied standing up. For some reason sitting at the table made him nervous and he wanted to pace. "So what do we know so far? A being called Saahlats says we've killed his race. No, that we will kill his race if we didn't make the right choice?" He was trying to remember his precise words.

Jade had been perusing over the rest of the reports when her coffee cup slipped from her hand and hit the table. She gulped slightly, her eyes drifted upwards to the Captain. "Ah Captain, I just got a report from the sensors. We are not in our timeline. We are in 1805." then she noticed the dark brown liquid starting to travel across the table, and quickly got up to grab something to mop it up with. She asked for the replicator to bring up some towels to wipe the mess up.

It was as if time stood still for a minute. "1805." Ans repeated. "We've traveled five hundred years into the past?"

Miyahara raised a curious eyebrow. If he remembered Japanese history correctly, then in 1805, Japan was still firmly isolationist, with Bakumatsu still being 50 some odd years away.

"How ironic, the Starship Victory goes back in time to 1805 when her name sake fought at the battle of trafalgar." The Doctor commented. "Oh, also a good year for rum if I'm not mistaken."

"1805," Ans repeated like a broken record. "Precisely when in 1805?" He asked Commander Troconis as Doctor Moller's mention of Trafalgar rang in his ears.

Jade looked down at the padd then looked back at Ansel, gulping. "The date is October 20th, 1805. Something niggling in the back of my mind says this is something I should know." giving a slight frown.

A bright light appeared in the observation lounge, temporarily blinding everyone. When the light cleared the Captain looked at his officers only to realize that they had experienced a change of wardrobe. Not only were they in 1805 but his officers looked as if they belonged there. He glanced down at himself and realized that he too was wearing a different uniform. One of a French Vice- Admiral if he was not mistaken. "What the bloody-hell?"

Captain Ansel Benoit
Commanding Officer
USS Victory

Commander Jade Troconis
Executive Officer
USS Victory

Doctor Steffan Moller
Chief Medical Officer
USS Victory

Lieutenant Commander Tanaka Miyahara
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Victory


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