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A Little Tipple

Posted on Wed May 29th, 2024 @ 8:19pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki & Petty Officer 1st Class Amalia Darcy
Edited on on Thu May 30th, 2024 @ 5:18pm

768 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Trafalgar Roll
Location: The Barn

Amalia looked around at the various crew, just getting a read on them. They were moving in different areas of the barn, upon orders of the Captain to get some sleep. She had gone as far as making a bed of fresh hay in one of the stalls, when her eyes landed upon Doctor Ki. Now Amalia wasn't above talking to the higher ranks, and the man maybe he could use a drink. She knew she could use one and she did have something of an alcholic nature, in her pockets. A couple of flasks as a matter of fact. She sidled up to the doctor.

"Sir, I've got a bed made for you to rest upon. If your of a mind to sleep, made with the sweetest smelling hay. I've even got a cloth placed over it, where you won't worry about hay finding itself in a place you don't want it to be." her dark brown eyes met his dark brown eyes.

Michael had been lost in his own thoughts, well his own world really. His thoughts turned to what may or may not happen should they be stranded in this time. Was this perhaps how his life's path ended? The sound of a voice brought him out of his thoughts. "Erm..." He mumbled as he turned to face Amalia. "...No need for the bed. I would much prefer to be back on the Victory. Either of them to be honest where there is a real bed for me. But thank you for the kind offer."

"You are welcome, though just as a suggestion getting a little bit of sleep wouldn't hurt. I will agree with you most definitely it would be lovely to be back on the ship." she shivered slightly feeling a slight chill to the air. "There is a little bit of a coolness in the air currently, I've got something that will help to warm a person up." pulling out the two flasks. "Would you care for a sip? One has brandy and the other has whisky." Amalia wasn't one for small talk, at times her way was a bit, direct.

Michael longed for a nice warm glass of sake, however, in this time period that would be very hard to come by. Especially in the location that they were in. That fact, and the idea that he is most likely going to need all of his faculties made him wish he was in his quarters even more. "Again, thank you for the kind offer. But, I will be quite alright. You are correct about the sleep though. That is something that we are all going to need. As your Doctor, I am telling you to go get some rest."

"And as you are of higher rank I will take that as a command, Sir? " Amalia slipping the flask back into her pocket. "An Officer and a gentleman." she added. The blonde woman turned to leave, "That still is your place to rest up before we head to the ship. And where I may end up being a powder monkey." giving a shrug.

Ki cocked an eyebrow. That was something he had not thought about. He was the ship's doctor on both Victory's however, there were some who were thrust into positions that they may not have any idea how to perform. He decided there and then that if or when the injuries came he would try to make the Starfleet crew his priority. "Well then we are all going to need our strength and faculties in the days to come."

"Indeed we will sir. " Amalia giving a half smile. "Pleasant dreams sir, and I'll see you in the morning." with that the petty officer turned to leave, to give Doctor Ki his privacy. She turned before stepping out of view, "Let me know if you need something, alright Doctor?"

Michael nodded his ascent to the petty Officer's request. At the moment he wanted nothing more than to be alone for the foreseeable future. He stood in the cold and looked up at the stars. A wonder began to fill him, a wonder about the stars being the same here as they were on the Victory he signed on to. He exhaled sharply through his nose as he continued to brood as it were. There was an eerie and odd calm in the cool air at the moment. As if the Earth itself knew that something was wrong and that something was about to take place.

PO1C Amalia Darcy
USS Victory

Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki
Chief Medical Officer
USS Victory


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