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Fri Sep 1st, 2023 @ 2:10pm

Lieutenant Commander Tanaka Miyahara

Name Tanaka Miyahara

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2
Weight 155 lbs
Hair Color black
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Lieutenant Commander Miyahara is a well-dressed individual, keeping his black hair neat and tidy, his face clean-shaven, and his glasses clean. Miyahara is a tall man with an average build that doesn't say much about his strength.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Yuichi Miyahara
Mother Kiyoko Miyahara
Brother(s) Tadashi Miyahara
Sister(s) Tazuko Miyahara
Other Family Teruichi Miyahara (grandfather)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lieutenant Commander Miyahara HATES disorder. He prides himself in billing his work as devoted patriotism, and believes that anyone who disagrees with him acquiesces to disorder themselves.
Ambitions To stomp out disorder from Starfleet
Hobbies & Interests -Japanese Domestic Ground Cars
-Carpentry and home improvement

Lieutenant Commander Miyahara is one day interested in starting a family of his own, but that likely won't happen, as he holds his duty and obligation to Starfleet above all else.

Personal History From a young age, Tanaka Miyahara made it clear that he hated disorder.

Born in Japan to drunken meth head parents, Miyahara took it upon himself to set a better example for his brother and sister, often tidying up his family's hovel because his parents more often than not couldn't be bothered.

In middle school, Tanaka led his carpentry class to remodel his family's run down home into something actually liveable. His brother and sister were so proud of him, and believed that many great things lay in store for their brother in high school and beyond.

However, instead of opting for Japan's optional high school program, Tanaka lied about his age to get into Starfleet Academy. As he already looked and acted several years older than he actually was, his lie wasn't a hard sell, and he was accepted into Starfleet Academy with Command as his chosen elective.

Tanaka proved an exceptional commander and graduated from Starfleet Academy shortly before his 19th birthday. Upon graduation, Tanaka was assigned to the USS Honeysuckle Rose.

Miyahara served aboard the Honeysuckle Rose for a year before he was shunted off to the USS Silver Stallion. He would discover later on that the reason for his transfer was that his ego rubbed the Honeysuckle Rose's Chief of the Security the wrong way, and he wanted nothing more to do with Miyahara.

Though his strict regimen had gone unrewarded on his first assignment, it began to catch on with his colleagues on his second assignment, and soon they were calling for the outing of the incompetent Chief Security Officer and replacing him with a promoted Miyahara.

While hesitant to put Miyahara directly into the Chief Position, the Silver Stallion's Captain and Chief of Security agreed to let Miyahara be the Assistant Chief of Security. Miyahara told the two senior officers that they wouldn't regret their decision. In the two years Miyahara was Assistant Chief, he became the de facto Chief, reforming the security department from a dysfunctional mess back into a competent security force.

Eventually, the commanding officer fired the Chief Security Officer, though some say she only did it because he was continually trying to court her, and she was getting sick of his advances. Regardless, Miyahara was the overwhelming choice for the replacement CSO, and he was officially made such along with a promotion to full Lieutenant.

By 2365, Miyahara found his collar another half-pip heavier with a promotion to Lieutenant Commander. At this time, Miyahara was recommended a Chief of Security opening aboard the USS Victory, a New Orleans class starship.
Service Record 2359-2360: USS Honeysuckle Rose (Ensign - Security Officer)
2360-2361: USS Silver Stallion (Ensign - Security Officer)
2361-2363: USS Silver Stallion (Lieutenant JG - Assistant Chief Security Officer)
2363-2365: USS Silver Stallion (Lieutenant - Chief Security Officer)
2365-present: USS Victory (Lieutenant Commander - Chief Security Officer)