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Needing advice

Posted on Fri May 17th, 2024 @ 5:17pm by Captain Ansel Benoit & Commander Jade Troconis

1,443 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Trafalgar Roll
Location: Barn- Earth- England in 1805
Timeline: MD 1 2300 Hours

Ans waited until Evie had closed her eyes before moving away. Despite having agreed to start a relationship with her he still felt that it was slightly wrong. It was something he'd have to work on.

Seeking out the Commander he approached and sat down next to her. "Penny for your thoughts?" She definitely looked pensive.

Jade had been staring down at her hands, lost in thought about a certain Lieutenant Lakeland Smith. She felt a strong attraction but should she get involved with him? She gave a slight start when Ans sat down next to her.

"Oh hello Ans, I have a bit on my mind right now. I-I need some advice on something. " her cheeks heating up at the thought of what she was about to ask. "I er met someone on the ship but... should I venture on that path he's a lower rank than I am and.. I don't know... what shall I do?"

Ans burst out laughing and covered his mouth so he didn't wake up the whole crew. "This is the very thing we were talking about on the ship and what was your advice to me?" He reminded her. "I believe you told me to take a chance. Why would my advice to you be any different?"

Jade giggled softly, and lightly bumped her shoulder against his. "My aren't we a pair right? And yes I can see that, your advice would be the same. Its scary though, just that thought of embarking on this sort of path, its going against what we've been told. My grandmother would scoff though and would say, "Rules be damned, at times they need to be tossed to one side. She was known to be a bit of a rebel in her day."

"Oh it's terrifying. Look at Evie, she's half my age, she has her whole career ahead of her and she's just the sweetest most loving person I think I've ever met. I both want to wrap her in my arms so that nothing happens to her and push her away because surely whatever this is between us shouldn't interfere with a remarkable life she's going to lead. But, I also realized that it's her decision and not mine. If she wants to go down this path, if we both want to. I can't stop her. I can only make things easier on both of us by stepping down if it comes to that. And I never thought I'd find love. If love is what this is then I wouldn't hesitate to do that." He gave a small shrug. "Love wins out. Isn't that the saying?"

"That is the saying." Jade drew in a breath, "I don't know how things will go between myself and Lake. I don't want to push away a possibility that might happen between us, there is that feeling that if I just stick to the rules and regulations, I may miss out on experiencing something marvelous. In the past, I've not been the luckiest at love either. Maybe this could be it? I'm just going to experience though what is happening. And I am of the same mind, I don't want to ruin Lake's career either. we both just need to see where this takes us." she looked around at the barn that they were sheltering in, hearing the gentle breathing of those that were sleeping.

"Exactly. This isn't a marriage proposal, it's maybe a cup of coffee here or there. A nice dinner. Take things slow, get to know one another thoroughly. " He was saying these things just as much to calm himself as to calm her. "Lake?" Ans asked. "The fellow from damage control? You're just all worked up about those muscles." He couldn't believe he was teasing her but she really looked all flustered honestly.

"What?!" Jade sharply gave Ans a look of surprise, "I well that is I... " at a loss for words for the moment, this was a side of Ans she'd not seen before, Evie was bringing out a side of him that Jade was finding it a good thing. "I mean yes he had lovely muscles... I can't believe I am having this sort of discussion with you." her face going red once more. "Ans..." she spluttered. She gave a deep sigh. "Oh my gosh...."

"I'm sorry Commander," Ans said, trying to hold in his laugh. "That was out of line. I apologize." He couldn't believe he'd done it but he also thought that perhaps Jade might tease him too about Evie. He guessed that Jade was really more shaken up by this encounter with the Lieutenant than she was letting on. "If it makes you feel any better, I completely understand. Evie is beautiful. Big blue eyes and a killer smile. I've found myself staring far more often than I should."

"Oh don't forget about the lilting accent of her voice." Jade teasing him. "I saw you looking at her, over the moon you are." she clasped her hands together, "Oh Evie... the sun pales in comparison to your beauty." Jade deepening her voice, as if speaking as Ans.

"Yeah well it does," Ans said jokingly sticking out his tongue at her. "I'm certainly drawn to her. Too early to say anything more than that. I like being with her," he shrugged. "It's easy and I've never been easy around women other than my own sisters."

Jade gave a lopsided smile, "You are certainly a bit more easy around me, now that Evie has blasted through your barriers." giving a wink towards Ansel. "And that is a good thing, though we were on that path early on... She's just short cut things a bit more."

"You're not a woman. You're my XO," Ans smiled. "Maybe I have loosened up a bit. Maybe I've been drugged. Maybe we're all hallucinating. Who knows."

Jade's mouth dropped open at Ans statement then she lauged, "I don't know if I can say your not a man, your just my Captain. That just sound so... wrong. Of course you are a man, and Evie has certainly noticed it." she drew in a breath and let it out slowly. "Thank you, you've helped me out a great deal."

"You're welcome. You helped me so it was only right to return the favor." Ans smiled. "How do you think the crew is doing?" He asked, a little more seriously.

Jade drew in a breath. "Some are doing okay so to speak in this particular strange circumstance. I am though concerned with Lieutenant Riveriere she seems to be rather nervous at the fact we'll be going out to sea. I have yet to talk with her on that. LIke you and I, we're I guess stumbling slightly forward as best as we can. I would like to know just when the alien who sent us here, when his people were destroyed."

"I think we all would. I'll try to reassure Riveriere though I didn't order anyone to go. If she wants to stay on land that's her choice." Ans reminded Jade. "Do you think . . . . " He took a deep breath. "Do you think I made the right decision?"

"If you are speaking about Evie, yes. And also where we are going onto the USS Victory, yes. We have a trail to follow and it seems to lead to the HMS Victory, Ans. For whatever reason, we need to step back onto that ship and get some answers. I feel a tug in that direction, like I am supposed to be there. We need to uncover some of the unknown history that our ancestors were not able to put down in their journals." putting a hand of reassurance upon Ansel's shoulder.

He nodded. He hadn't been speaking about Evie but at least she didn't think he was a total idiot on either front. He sat in silence for a moment. There was no way he was going to get any sleep tonight but he supposed he could remain still so that the others could get some shut eye. Just as he was about to close his eyes and deal with some of his inner thoughts the barn door opened and in popped the very man he had been teasing Jade about earlier. "Well look who decided to join us."

At first Jade was confused as to who Ans was referring to, she glanced in the direction he was looking and her jaw almost hit the floor. "Oh my...." was all that she could say feeling her cheeks heat up once more.

Commander Jade Troconis
Executive Officer
USS Victory

Captain Ansel Benoit
Commanding Officer
USS Victory


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