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Foraging and scouting

Posted on Wed Apr 24th, 2024 @ 5:31pm by Captain Ansel Benoit & Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki & Lieutenant Gregor Morgan & Avelina Morgan

814 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Trafalgar Roll
Location: Earth/England October 1805
Timeline: MD 1 13:00 Hours

Avalina looked around at who was left, her husband chief of security Gregor Morgan, Doctor Ki along with Lieutenant Elizabeth Connor of security.

"So, we're here in historical times and we need to get some supplies. Recommendations?"Gregor's wife looking around at those there.

"Well with the Captain here I think we can order this ship to do what we need within reason. It seems that we are will stocked for a long voyage. I think it would serve us better to learn, why we are here, and how to get home." Michael looked around as he got his bearings. He had no interest in remaining here any longer than needed.

"I'm going to be the pessimist here." Elizabeth said, trying to line up her thoughts with the language coming out of her mouth. "Finding a way back to the ship is going to be really hard. Yes, we have some supplies but if I remember right this isn't the place to be unless you want to catch horrible diseases like scurvy. I think we need to get out of here if we can, find some shelter and some food and wait out whatever storm this is." She looked at the others and jokingly added, "We could start a farm." It wasn't really funny but her powers of amusement were in short supply.

"Well maybe we can go look to find a port, someplace to be, away from the ship right now that is. Um can either of you contact the Captain via the combadge?" Avelina asked.

Elizabeth tapped her combadge. It made a strange crackly noise and she spoke into it clearly though not as loudly as she would have wished. "Conner to Captain Benoit?" Static answered her and some garbled words. "Maybe we're too far away?"

Ki looked around and somethings began to fall into place in his head. "Where ever we are it seems we are assigned the same duties that we have on our Victory. That being the case it would be a safe assumption that the Captain is the Captain. Seeing as our badges are not working up to snuff, we could go to the Captain's quarters and the ship and see who is there. I think the first step to figuring out a way home would be to get everyone together in the same room."

Avelina gave a glance at Doctor Ki, "From what that man said, First Leftenant Aubry Rutherford, he said the captain was off the ship, and headed into town. Maybe we can contact some of the crew?" she looked at her husband who was silently keeping vigil.

"Maybe we poke around the docks? See if we can locate someone we recognize? I haven't seen anyone else on the ship that I know." She shrugged. "It's a start." She looked to Ki, "You're the ranking officer in the group, it's your call sir."

Michael looked around and much to his dismay confirmed what Avelina said. He was the ranking officer, and was nonplussed about it. A sharp exhale through his nose and then he spoke. "Right, well the first thing we are going to have to do is find the Captain, or get unequivocal proof that the Captain is not here. The docks sounds like a good place to start. For now we must perform the duties that would be expected of us on this Victory in this time. When we arive at the docks we will go together and return together. No use in splitting up if we can avoid it."

Elizabeth nodded. "I suggest we get started as soon as possible. I have this uneasy feeling that time isn't on our side."

"It probably isn't. " Avelina said to the others. " I really want to find out just what we are going to do here."

She looked at her husband raising an querying eyebrow.

Gregor thought as he listened to the others. " I agree we need information. We also have questions that need to be answered. How did we get here? Who sent us here? What is the purpose behind all of this, And the big question that I know that is on everyone's mind.... How do we get back? Let's hope we can discover the information that we require. "

Avelina nodded, she was here in a strange situation but it was an adventure. And when will they get back to their own time, she didn't know; all that mattered was she was with her husband, Gregor.

Michael did not relish the idea of being in command. However, at the moment that was where he found himself. He would make sure to protect those that were with him. The oath that he swore was the same here as it was in his time.

Avelina Morgan
USS Victory

Lt. Elizabeth Connor
Security Officer
USS Victory

Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki
Chief Medical Officer
USS Victory


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