Welcome to the USS Victory!

But the Victory is not all it seems. Unnoticed strings have been pulled so that the descendants of the men who fought at the Battle of Trafalgar are on board the USS Victory serving space much as their ancestors did serving the high seas. Unbeknownst to them they will have to answer for a crime they have not yet committed, a crime that began all those centuries ago on a wooden sailing ship and will continue far into the future if time and fate are left to their own devices.
The crew of the Victory will have a chance to prove themselves innocent, a chance to change history. All they have to do is travel into moments of the past and find the keys to unraveling five centuries of destruction. If they fail they will be erased from the universe.

Latest Mission Posts
» Showing Gratitude
Mission: All That Glitters Is Gibraltar
Posted on Wed Mar 5th, 2025 @ 3:33pm by Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere & Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki
Nicolette's night of sleep helped her process everything that happened on the HMS Victory. She was not certain that she fully understood everything that happened there but she did know that the Doctor likely saved her life more than once. She would be remiss if she did not thank him.…
» Medical Questions
Mission: All That Glitters Is Gibraltar
Posted on Tue Jan 28th, 2025 @ 9:27pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki & Commander Jade Troconis
The briefing they just had, gave Jade a lot to think about as she left the briefing room. Jade's eyes went towards Doctor Ki moving to catch up with him "Doctor, might I have a word with you in your office?"
There was not much for Michael to have to…
» It's Not Gold
Mission: All That Glitters Is Gibraltar
Posted on Fri Jan 24th, 2025 @ 7:06am by Commander Jade Troconis & Captain Ansel Benoit & Lieutenant Commander Matthew Foster & Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki & Lieutenant Gregor Morgan & Lieutenant Katherine "Kit" Vulpes & Lieutenant William Neil & Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere & Ensign Max Belanger & Ensign Evie Forde
Ans folded clasped his hands together and brought them down on the table a little harder than he meant to. "I know we're in a serious position and I know what struggles you have all been through the past week but we need to get home. What's the status of…
» Unpacking
Mission: In Between
Posted on Tue Dec 10th, 2024 @ 8:54pm by Lieutenant Katherine "Kit" Vulpes & Lieutenant William Neil
Kit pulled the stepstool and tool bag over to the wall in the living area of her quarters. She gestured over to her shoulder at the next crate in the stack. "That next one should be the weapons." She grinned. "I know you asked to see the art, but I'll…
» What happened to you?
Mission: In Between
Posted on Sun Dec 8th, 2024 @ 3:57pm by Commander Jade Troconis & Lieutenant Commander Matthew Foster
Jade sat in her office, her uniform tunic unzipped, Right now she was just needing to not feel stifled, she did have a red tee shirt she wore beneath the tunic. She stared at the view of the planet below, Earth, and not the earth that she was familiar with.…
Latest Personal Logs
» Cracks
Posted on Mon Apr 17th, 2023 @ 9:47am by Captain Ansel Benoit
"Captain's Log, Stardate 42776.67
The Victory has just left McKinley station for our First Contact mission on Deltine II. A stable warp signature has been detected leaving the planet and Starfleet is anxious to meet what we're hoping will be our new friends and allies. Though a first contact mission…