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Medical Questions

Posted on Tue Jan 28th, 2025 @ 9:27pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki & Commander Jade Troconis

1,404 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: All That Glitters Is Gibraltar
Location: Medical Questions

The briefing they just had, gave Jade a lot to think about as she left the briefing room. Jade's eyes went towards Doctor Ki moving to catch up with him "Doctor, might I have a word with you in your office?"

There was not much for Michael to have to think about when it came to the current mission. It seemed to him that it was ultimately up to the Captain and the rest of the crew was torn between where to go and who to contact. As for him all he had to do was make sure the crew was healthy and at the moment that meant making sure no one got temporal sickness.

Ki began to plan how many inoculations he would have to prepare as he stepped into the turbolift. The sound of the XO's voice prompted him to stop the doors from closing as she stepped into the lift. "Absolutely..." he said in response to her question and then addressed the computer. "...Deck eight." Michael's impression was whatever Jade needed to talk about it was not for everyone's ears. So, he remained silent until they arrived at his office.

Jade wasn't one to carry on a conversation when one wasn't needed. When they arrived in Ki's office, she took a seat. without much of a lead in, she asked. "How familiar are you with treating temporal illness? And is there a way to slow its approach or even prevent it.? Barring the one approach is to get back to our time."

"I am as familiar as any other doctor in the fleet. I have studied all of the cases that have been presented. Well at least the ones that are not classified. Temporal illness or more commonly known as temporal psychosis effects the bodies brain chemistry and causes aphasia and irrational behavior. As to whether there is a way to slow its approach, yes and in short it means to simply not mess with time travel. However, given that is not an option for us then the answer is no there is no way to slow it down. It will come for each and every member of the crew in due time. A person's particular body chemistry will dictate how fast the onset is. We can avoid it for some and make the cases small if we limit the amount of time travel. For example we should stay in the time where we are now, until we can figure out exactly how to get home. There is also Temporal Narcosis to consider. This is when someone experiences neurophysical stress from time travel, or travel through parallel dimensions. This is very treatable, it is similar to something deep sea divers can get from the change in pressures." Michael sat down and poured some green tea and a small amount of sake into it as he spoke. He offered some to Jade with a gesture.

Giving a nod of assent, "Please" Jade uttered at his offer. "Basically taking care of the bends. That is very interesting, to know. I've not been in a situation where it dealt with time. Closest I've come, is being around a time capsule being opened up or making a discovery , or even stepping into an ancient structure, that has been preserved and has stood the onslaught of the ages."

Michael poured another cup of tea and a small amount of sake into it. "Yes that is precisely what temporal narcosis is like, the bends. As I said, both of these are preventable. We are just going to have to be careful about when we time jump etc. From the records that I have read the only method of time travel that does not have these negative effects is the slingshot around a star method. However, it is my understanding that takes an exceptional amount of precise calculations."

"I do wonder if that will be a means to get back to our own time." gratefully taking a sip of his special tea, enjoying the mixture of the sake and the tea. Drawing a breath after she had her sip, "How are we where medical supplies are concerned. Will there need to be something set up for herbal medicines to be made? "

"No, I do not believe so. The ship is fully stocked and so long as the Victory has power I can replicate anything that is needed. The ship may be stuck in the past, but, thankfully we are not. If the replicators are brought offline we have enough supplies in storage to last at least two to three years depending upon the needs." Michael took another sip of his tea and smiled. "If I were in command of this vessel I would issue an order. No one is to get sick or injured"

Jade chuckled, "Well, I don't know if that will be possible for such an order to be followed. It would be lovely though if that were to happen and we not suffer any other injuries, or get ill. However all we can do is do our best not to have that happen." another sip of her tea, lowering it she gazed at Ki.

"Did you have any ancestors that were around the time of the HMS Victory?" That was around the time of the Trafalgar Battle?" this was another question that she was investigating. Who of the crew had connections to that time in history.

"Much of my family history is unknown. However, what we do know is that our family dates back to the Edo Period of Japan. So, I did have family during the time of Trafalgar. However, they were nowhere near the battle." Michael sipped his tea and wondered where the Commander was going with this line of questioning.

Another sip of her tea, then Jade commented. "I am working on a check list as to who had an ancestor during that time. We had a visitor, which appeared upon the ship, and accused the Captain and myself of our ancestral family, had indeed been the cause of why we were sent hurtling back in time."

"Well then I believe there is your answer. To me there does not seem a need to poll the crew. If this visitor is to be believed than it is you and the Captain who have some searching to do. You must learn who the ancestor in question is and what they could have done. If there was more to it than that I feel that this visitor would have said so. What's more is if the visitor is incorrect than perhaps you can find the proof while searching through your respective paths." Michael spoke as one might if they offered advice. He did not presume to tell the Executive Officer how to do their job but he was curious why they would poll the crew rather than themselves.

A contemplative expression could be seen. "If said person would be a bit more forthcoming it would be a bit easier." She drew ina breath, "This entity reminds me of encounters that others have had with the 'Q' but they are not." another sip of the tea which emptied the cup. "I should take my leave, however, Doctor, If you have any questions or a perceptions of the matter, feel free to ask, or say."

"Commander I have said what I believe is the best course of action. Until proved wrong we should take what this visitor says at face value. So, you and the Captain should take stroll down ancestral lane and see what turns up. If I can be of any assistance I am always available." Michael took the dregs of his tea and for a fleeting moment was saddened that the cup was empty. He would have to wait some time before his next cup.

"Thank you again for your time, Doctor Ki, it has been very helpful." Jade rising from the seat. "and also thank you for the tea it helped to lift the spirits." a bit of a smile dancing in her eyes, before she turned to leave Ki's office.

"I am always appriciative of good conversation and good sake." Michael replied with an equally beaming smile. When the Executive Officer left Ki was left to finish his medical reports.

A Joint Post By

Commander Jade Troconis
Executive Officer
USS Victory

Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki
Chief Medical Officer
USS Victory


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