It's Not Gold
Posted on Fri Jan 24th, 2025 @ 7:06am by Commander Jade Troconis & Captain Ansel Benoit & Lieutenant Commander Matthew Foster & Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki & Lieutenant Gregor Morgan & Lieutenant Katherine "Kit" Vulpes & Lieutenant William Neil & Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere & Ensign Max Belanger & Ensign Evie Forde
1,834 words; about a 9 minute read
All That Glitters Is Gibraltar
Location: Briefing Room, USS Victory
Ans folded clasped his hands together and brought them down on the table a little harder than he meant to. "I know we're in a serious position and I know what struggles you have all been through the past week but we need to get home. What's the status of the ship?"
"I've got my team working on some options," Matt said. "So far, everything we've come up with requires using the warp drive, and I'm not sure it would be a good idea to advertise ourselves in that way."
Nicolette was not interested in re-discussing her experience. She might be interested in talking more with the Doctor because he seemed to know how to handle her when her problems arose. However, the crew needed her and she would listen carefully to see how she could assist.
Evie had accompanied Lt. Commander Foster into the briefing room. Given her position on the ship she sometimes helped with more administrative tasks and as such came to briefings when allowed to take notes. Having no authority on the ship she chose to stay quiet as the more senior of the crew spoke.
"Thankfully whatever tossed us here didn't do any permanent damage to the non combat systems." William said with a sigh. "We have enough power to keep the lights on and the fires going until we find a way back."
Kit tapped her thumb on the edge of the PADD in front of her. "The Warp drive is in good shape, but I agree with Mister Foster. We fire her up, and the Vulcans are liable to show up a few hundred years earlier than expected." She sighed. "No offense to the Vulcans, but they may be just as likely to insist we stay put and hide in society instead of helping to figure out a way back.
Gregor spoke up. " I don't understand why the Vulcans would ask us to stay. We aren't from this timeline and our continued presence here could interrupt or change their timeline or future. It would be far safer to send us back to where we belong instead of being a threat to this time line."
"We have the entire history of Vulcan's observations of earth in this century, in our database," Ensign Max Belanger spoke up. He looked slightly uncomfortable, his face flushing a bit red, "If they have a scout ship in this area in this time period, wouldn't there be a record of it?"
Kit quirked her head. "That's not a bad idea. If we think they may be watching, a little flare of the warp engines might get their attention. Coms still seem to be a bit fuzzy, but we might be able to send up a signal flare, so to speak."
"No." William said with a shrug. He looked around the table. "We're not just in the past when it comes to human history. But Vulcan history as well. During this time the Vulcan Science Institute didn't believe time travel was possible. Suddenly we show up in an advanced ship claiming to be time travelers. We'd end up contaminating the Vulcan history as well."
"Frankly, I think whatever we do we're on our own for it." He didn't like being the bearer of bad news, but their options for help were limited.
Michael sat and listened to conversation. Well, he thought it less of a conversation and more like bickering but who was he to judge. He was a doctor and had no input either way on the current conversation. In fact all he really had to report was that the crew was in good physical health.
Kit gave a sigh. "'On our own' is easier said than done, Lieutenant. Keeping a ship in good repair on an average day is a challenge all on its own. Trying to get her to time travel, with any sort of accuracy, without the nudge of some omnipotent space being? That's gods-near impossible, which is a big part of WHY we're told not to do it." Kit pushed a hand through her hair. "Even if someone could crank through the calculations to get us back anywhere close to our own time, we need to consider whether the ship will arrive intact--and with her crew alive to boot."
"Slingshotting around the sun is one of the options we're looking at," Matt said. "But as you say, Kit, it requires precise calculations and near perfect timing. If we can mask our warp signature, traveling to the planet of the Guardian of Forever might be a better option."
"Something else just came to mind," he said after pausing for a sip of water. "We don't know why we were sent back. How will those who sent us react if we try to return to our own time?"
Michael had been going over some patient reports on his PADD as he listened. Foster's latest comment caused him to pause and look toward the Science Officer. He thought to speak, he wanted to ask why he cared what the things who sent them would think. However, Ki knew better than to fan the flames of this insanity.
"That sounds like a problem we don't have to consider yet." William replied. "If they're cross with us when we get back, at least we'll be back and can deal with any fallout then."
Nicolette was shocked at the mention of the planet of the Guardian of Forever. "The Guardian of Forever is forbidden by Starfleet. Why would you suggest that? As to the Vulcans, they always act logically. Therefore, we only need to determine their motivation."
"There is still the mysterious entity who sent us flinging through time to perhaps prevent the end of their race. And that is another issue. What did our ancestors do to bring about this conundrum we are facing." jade taking a moment to have drink of her tea. " I also wonder if there are some clues that we have not found out. Perhaps clues that will enable us to make it back to our own time, bread crumbs, or pebbles that we can trace. I suggest that we also take a look at our own histories. I know this might be digressing from the point of getting back home but, this also could be connected as well."
Kit let out a breath. "Masking our warp signature is not as easy as it sounds. But, if that's what we hope to do, I'll have to get started on the modifications soon." She drummed a finger on her PADD. "If the Vulcans won't take well to the idea of time travel, do you think it would be better to tell them that we are the victim of the meddlings of an advanced alien species? I'm sure the Vulcans have had their own run-ins with similarly fussy species, right?"
"True, and if that's the case why wait for the engines online. I can look to find a suitable distress call for the time period and summon the Vulcans right here. Just need to come up with an excuse for humans to be on a ship like this and wooden sailing vessels down below." William smiled and gave Kit a nod. "Either way, I'm sure we could rig up something to get noticed or hide if we need."
"I don't think it's a good idea to attract the attention of any other species in this time," Matt said. "We're already sure to get a visit from Temporal Investigations when we return. We shouldn't make things worse with a violation of the Temporal Prime Directive. That's why I mentioned the Guardian of Forever."
Gregor folded his arms and leaned back in his chair. First off we still don't know who sent us back in time or what occurred to drive their species into extinction. You think they would have let us know somehow who they were so we could help them when we meet them or figure out what triggered the events in the first place. Secondly, I would strongly advise against going to the Guardian of Forever. That is a quarantine planet that comes with a twenty-year sentence. And don't even think about suggesting Talos 4.
Nicolette looked over at Gregor wondering why he was repeating nearly exactly what she said. Was he expecting another reaction?
Ans was listening thought slightly lost in thought until Jade mentioned the alien that had brought them here. "That I think is where this is headed," he said. "We will not contact the Vulcans, we need to mask our warp trail if we can and the Guardian of Forever is out of the question. I might be court martialed when we get back, but it won't be for that." Ans opened his mouth to say something else when a noise came over the com.
Jade listened to what was being discussed, she didn't have any sort of solution as to what they were facing. She looked over towards Ans to see if he had any thoughts when over the com came a voice, that of Petty Officer Darcy.
=/\=This is Petty Officer Darcy, we've got fluctuations in the EPS system, there are several areas that are suffering from low power, flow.=/\=
Kit reached and tapped her com badge. "Vulpes to Darcy, I'll head that way shortly. Start a level 2 diagnostic and let's see if we can pinpoint the cause of those fluctuations."
=/\= Okay thank you, Lieutenant I'll get that started right away.=/\= Darcy replied being rather relieved.
"I'll come along." William offered as he shut down his Padd and stood up. "Last thing we need is to be dead in the water in the past as well."
Jade shot a look towards Ans rising from her seat. "Dismissed" there was something going on with the ship and needed to be attended to.
Michael stood when the order of dismissal was said. His thought on the meeting was that it was fruitless, seemed to be a lot of bickering over nothing. As far as he was concerned the only priority is getting home, all others should be placed on hold. But that was only his opinion. At the moment he would head to sick bay and resume his tending to his patients.
The moment that everyone was dismissed, Nicolette stood and then walked to the door without saying another word. She kept her thoughts to herself. However, she did not completely leave the area. She walked a few paces down the corridor and stopped to observe people as they left or in case anyone wanted to talk.
Ans sighed. "Damned if we do and damned if we don't."
Captain Ansel Benoit
Commanding Officer
USS Victory
Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere
Chief Counselor
USS Victory
Lieutenant William Neil
Chief Operations Officer
USS Victory
Lieutenant Gregor Morgan
Chief Security
USS Victory
Commander Jade Troconis
Executive Officer
USS Victory
Lieutenant Kit Vulpes
Chief Engineer
USS Victory
Lieutenant Commander Michael Ki
Chief Medical Officer
USS Victory
Ensign Max Belanger
Flight Control Officer
USS Victory