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Posted on Mon Jun 26th, 2023 @ 10:23am by Captain Ansel Benoit & Commander Jade Troconis & Lieutenant Commander Tanaka Miyahara & Lieutenant JG Steffan Moller & Ensign Maxence Belanger

2,527 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: The Trafalgar Roll
Location: Bridge
Timeline: MD 1 08:00 hours

Captain Benoit had been on the bridge for an hour before the current shift change. When the doors opened and his new first officer came onto the bridge he smiled at her and said, "Good morning Commander." He was sure there was no need to show her to her seat. Ans could think back to the moment that he'd first gotten to sit in that chair and as big of a moment as it had been, it had not compared to sitting in the chair he was currently occupying. "Today is the day. First mission, first time out of spacedock, first flight. I do hope you know how to fly this thing Ensign," he chuckled at the flight control station.

"Good morning, Captain." Jade had cheerily responded, definitely taking the first officer's seat. It still was strange to be in the chair though.

"I assure you, sir, I have more hours in the simulator for this class than anyone else aboard," Ensign Max Belanger replied from flight control, sounding almost confident. Regardless of his words, the knot in his stomach reminded the young officer of his lack of experience.

Rena was the next in the door; as Chief Counselor, she would likely serve in more of a "mission advisor" role most of the time, and she wanted to be briefed in as soon as possible. She rang the chime, and entered when she was allowed. "Lt. Rowena Campbell, reporting!" She settled in, placing her PADD and coffee on the table. "Good morning, Sir. Ma'am." She nodded to each in turn.

Third through the door was Tanaka Miyahara, the Chief of Security. His uniform neat and tidy as always. He gave a nod in the direction of the command team.

"Captain, Commander." He said as he assumed his station.

Doctor Moller walked onto the bridge from the turbolift. Hands in his medical coat pockets. "Morning all." He stated with a smile as he made his way to the rear of the bridge. There was no station for him on the bridge so he wasn't sure why he'd been summoned other than for a bit of pomp and ceremony.

Jade looked towards where Max sat. "I can definitely confirm that Ensign Belanger has clocked in innumerable hours in preparation." giving a smile then turned to the Captain. "Looks like all are present and accounted for, Sir."

Ans gave his first officer a slight smile. Teasing ensigns was probably unprofessional and he hoped he hadn't ruffled any feathers, still . . . it was easy to do sometimes. "Alright then, looks like you're up Ensign. Release docking clamps and take us out slowly. Set a course for Deltine II, maximum warp, I want to see what this ship can do. I expect the trip to be uneventful but you never know what might happen in a first contact situation so keep on your toes everyone."

Jade was utterly excited with seeing the maiden voyage of this ship, she had explored as much as she could. Met a few of the crew. "That is very sound advice." giving a nod as her attention was riveted upon the viewscreen.

They had only been traveling for perhaps 30 minutes when the ship slammed into a complete stop, throwing everyone in the room to the floor, some sliding into the base of the conn station. Ans was momentarily dazed but barked out, "Report!" As he began to search around for his XO and any injuries anyone might have sustained.

Ouch. Rena sat up, having been tossed onto the floor. Her head HURT, too. She rubbed her temples. Where was the doctor?! "Is there some kind of psychic attack happening?" the Betazed woman asked. She was pretty sure the pain was coming from INSIDE her head, instead of outside.

Miyahara had been standing at the tactical console behind the command section getting used to his new station when the ship suddenly snapped to a stop. The inertia of the unexpected hard stop flung Miyahara over the tactical console, as he had been completely unprepared and had no time to brace. Miyahara rag dolled across the bridge, hitting the floor between the command chairs and the conn stations.

"Well... We know she stops on a dime..." Miyahara grunted as he placed his hand to his head, pulling it back in front of his face to see blood on it.

Doctor Moller pulled himself up from the heap on the floor that the abrupt stop put him in. "What happened? Anyone hurt?" The Doctor called out as he pulled out his tricorder from his pocket.

Jade had blacked out for maybe a moment or two, first she was in the XO's seat then she was. Where was she? Groggily she made a move to sit up, hitting her head upon something. A console? She blearily looked upwards and saw grey, Jade realizing that she looking at the underside of a chair. It wasn't the XO's chair, Helm maybe?

"Oof... " trying to work her way from beneath the seat. Jade's foot seemed to be caught under something. What was it?

Rena looked around for the Doctor's voice, weakly raising her hand. "Doc? Me...psychic attack? Maybe I hit my head?" She couldn't tell, she could just feel the pain. She looked at Miyahara. "Not...funny. He's hurt worse..." She said, to no one. "Counselor is...Ok. I think," she said loudly, to the Captain's inquiry of "reports."

She sat upright, the room spinning for a moment. It finally calmed down and she could think more clearly. Nope, not a psychic attack. Just a regular head injury. Ouch. She had a nice goose egg, but as she probed the painful spot on her forehead, she noticed no blood. "Yes, I am fine. It was just shock, I am ok." She stood, weakly for a minute, then stronger after. "Dr. Moller, if you need my assistance, I am able to help." She said.

No one seemed to know what was going on, including the ship. Ans made it to his feet, his legs a bit shaky and tapped the nearest station panel to bring up sensors. "We've hit some kind of object," he said. "A large wave-like object, no, circular. It's surrounding us." Sensors couldn't give him a precise reading on its size. He realized his chest hurt in that moment, not a coronary but perhaps he had hit his ribs on the way down. A console next to Ans began to beep. Rather than ask someone else to answer it he took the two steps and pressed the button himself. "Commander," he reported to his first officer. "We're being hailed. Not the ship," he corrected. "You and I by name."

"Helm is unresponsive," Max added as he took assessment of his own station. He'd been lucky to have been thrown from the chair, but he had been shoved into the control console pretty hard that it still hurt.

Jade managed to extricate her foot and rose to her feet, supporting herself on the edge of one of the consoles, "We are being hailed by name?" carefully making her way to stand beside the Captain. "Shall we find out who is wanting us?"

Doctor Moller heard the call out for his services but quickly surveyed the bridge to make sure everyone was awake and getting back to their feet. They were, so he headed towards the direction of the voice. As he arrived by Campbell's side he was already pulling out the medical examination probe from the top of his tricorder. "Tell me, what's the problem?"

"I just have a goose egg. See to Miyahara; he's bloody." She said. "I'll be fine." If it was a concussion, she'd need to rest. But she could do that later. Right now, she was needed. The vibes from the Captain and XO were intense. She beamed good air as she moved forward towards them. "Do you want me to scan the area first?" Why the hell weren't there any Vulcans aboard? She was only half-Betazoid and an injured one at that. Still, she'd do her best.

Despite hitting his head hard enough to draw blood, Miyahara somehow managed to stagger back to his station, attempting to gain some sort of response from the weapons system, but alas, it was as if his entire station was frozen and wasn't responding to his inputs.

"Weapons systems unresponsive." Miyahara reported.

"Ill be the judge of that, Lieutenant." The Doctor told Campbell as he began to run the medical probe over her head. "You have a mild swelling and concussion. Nothing too serious but you'll need a trip to sickbay once things calm down." He said as he patted her shoulder and moved on to Miyahara.

"Alright, I'll report to medical as soon as I can," she said. She wasn't stupid, she knew a concussion could turn serious fast. If she still felt unwell after a bit, she'd go straight there.

He started to scan the security chief. "That's a nasty gash, Commander. I'll grab an emergency medkit and get that sorted for you." He said he closed his tricorder, placed it into his pocket and went looking for a medkit.

"Dr. Moller, as noted, let me know if you need mine..." As Counselor, she was trained in basic first aide but she would more likely be in his way.

"Indeed we shall. " He acknowledged his XO. "Commander," Ans said to Miyahara. "Open a channel." It was weird saying this as he didn't know who they were opening a channel to. There didn't appear to be any ships in the area and the only thing out there was this giant bubble they seemed to be trapped in.

Miyahara tapped the few non-frozen controls on his console to open a com channel.

"Com channel open." He said.

Ans tried to stand up a little straighter but his back objected and he gave a slight grunt of pain. "This is Captain Benoit of the starship Victory. To whom am I speaking?" An otherworldly screeching overtook the comm system for a moment before it cleared. Ans resisted the urge to cover his ears.

A voice came through loudly, too loudly as if it were in his mind as well as coming through the screen. “I am called Saahlats.” Came the reply.

“Why have you detained us?” Ans considered himself a calm person but everything about this situation had the hairs standing on the back of his neck.

There was a flash of light and a being appeared before them. He wore dark green robes and he was approximately 2 meters tall. He had an amphibian body with an elongated darker head. Ans soon discovered the being had no trouble speaking his language though he did not seem to be wearing any kind of translation device on his clothing. “I am exercising my right to hold you responsible for the death of my people.” His voice was deep though there was a high pitched whine that followed after he finished the last word.

Rena put her head in her hands again. The vibes this...being gave off were terrible. She bounced back something slightly positive, but she might vomit. Quietly, she bent to Commander Troconis and whispered "Ma'am, I'm picking up some weird things...might get security up here. Quietly."

The exchange, while not heard by Miyahara, was not lost on him, and he pretended to adjust his uniform where his combadge was positioned, while in reality he was tapping the combadge in a manner to trigger a silent alert for a security team to report to the bridge.

"The death of your people?" Ans repeated. "We have not harmed anyone." He replied calmly.

"Not yet, but you will. Most choices in your future will lead to this point. So I am giving you the option. Return to your homeworld, decommission your ships and remain where you belong and my people will be saved."

Ans raised his eyebrows at this request. "I'm afraid that won't be possible. I come from a race of explorers and we have spread out over a vast amount of the known universe, to return now would be impossible. But, if you are willing to sit down with us perhaps we can discuss how and why your people are endangered?"

Saahlats shook his head. "You have chosen then." He simply waved his hand and the ship lurched forward in full speed again hurling toward some unimaginable fate.

Rena had "seen" the second lurch forward, and braced herself. "HOLD ON TO YOUR SEATS," she hollered with the full force of all the Heirs that came before her. Sure enough, the ship lurched forward. Her stomach did a somersault but she was able to remain upright. She pushed some good vibes out into the room, but to the man? She made a face. Where was security?? She turned to Miyahara. "Thank you..."

Jade looked towards Ans, her eyebrow raised at what the alien had said. "What the heck is going on?" deciding that it would be best to get to her seat. "We're definitely off for an unusual mission encounter." she commented.

As the ship lurched forward again, Miyahara braced himself against the security console, and he was able to remain upright, though doing so took the last of his strength, as he was still fighting the concussion from the full stop, and Miyahara finally fainted, dropping unconscious to the deck where he stood.

Hearing the thud from behind her, Jade was out of her seat and around to where Miyahara was at, raising his head to her lap. "Doctor, let's get him to medical asap." she spouted out.

Rena was already at Miyahara's side, and her Tricorder was already trained when the Doc came. "He's out from the concussion. If you need me, I'll be here." Just then, the security detail she'd requested showed up.

"Commander. Security is here," she said, quietly. "I asked Miyahara to summon them. Something is UP," she said, tapping at her head. The Betazoid/Humanoid woman still had very strong empathic skills, even with her head injury.

The alien had disappeared, leaving the bridge crew scattered about very disheveled with various levels of injury. The Captain stood again from the spot on the floor where he'd fallen. "All stop," he ordered. "Sickbay to bridge, we have wounded up here," and, he thought, probably all over the ship. "I want a damage report when everyone's got their bearings about them. Those that are able, we'll meet in the observation lounge in one hour."

Rena nodded. "I'll assist medical until then," she said, taking off to the nearby science console to assist, and moving out of the Bridge and down the hallway towards Medical. She would report herself later, but now? She had work to do. She might need Porkchop for the meeting later. She'd ask Dr. Moller for his opinion.

Captain Ansel Benoit
Commanding Officer
USS Victory

LtJG Rena Campbell
Chief Counselor
USS Victory

Commander Jade Troconis
Executive Officer
USS Victory

Lieutenant Commander Tanaka Miyahara
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Victory

Dr. Steffan Moller
Chief Medical Officer
USS Victory

Ensign Maxence Belanger
Flight Control Officer
USS Victory


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