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A meeting of some kind

Posted on Thu Apr 13th, 2023 @ 1:28pm by Commander Jade Troconis & Captain Ansel Benoit

2,280 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Raising the Mast
Location: Sirens


It wa s quite the social gathering, one to be expected for a new ship ready to launch. They even had the proverbial breaking of the champagne bottle against the hull of the ship which hailed from days gone by. "I Christen thee the USS Victory." the words were spoken. Afterwards there was the celebration, filled with food, music, dancing. The works.

Jade had made the rounds, being congratulated about becoming a full commander, as well as the Executive Officer of the USS Victory. The one fly in the ointment was she never got to see the Captain, he or she was supposed to be there. She hoped to meet with the captain be introduced to them. She tried to find out what the Captain looked like and at the moment the manifest hadn't been put together.

Jade found that rather strange for that happening, but then again, new ship there would be some bugs to be worked out. And one of them would be the manifest. Her things had already been sent to her quarters on the ship so, Jade decided she'd best head there. Besides she wanted to get out of her dress uniform and into some civvies. She really hated the dress uniform. It looked smart on her but, Jade hated it.

It didn't take her long to get to her quarters, where Jade wanted to change into her other uniform her other clothing, they weren't there yet. It wasn't time to start her duties yet and the crew was just starting to arrive. A drink, she needed a drink. The officers lounge she heard was called Sirens named after the mermaids who sang on the ocean blue. Well Jade was going there. Jade had her combadge which would identify her as being allowed in there.

Ans had been sitting at a table in the corner with a good view of the stars. He was hiding, he would admit that. Ceremonies were not his thing. There would be lots of people asking him dumb questions like how many turbolifts the ship had, people taking holo-images of the event and he'd never seen a good side of himself in those, and the inevitable crowd staring at him with adoration as if nothing could be more perfect than seeing a starship captain in the flesh. Bleh. Honestly he didn't dislike most people, but in groups he found them intolerable sometimes.

The doors to Sirens swished open and in walked a woman Ans thought looked vaguely familiar. She was certainly in dress uniform where as he was in civilian clothing trying to blend into the background. She stood out like a beacon. He decided to get up and freshen his drink and see what she might have to say about the party going on without him.

"Hi give me an um... Rum neat." Jade requested, then gave a out a puff of air.

The woman behind the counter got out the rum, pouring a drink for the commander. "What's on your mind?" she asked. "Looks like you have a heavy weight there. Or for that matter, you even seem slightly peeved."

Jade took a drink before she gave a nod. "A mixture of both. I have a peeve that I didn't see the captain at the opening ceremony, I had to go rub elbows with quite a few people. Of which I do not mind, but I would have liked have met him, or her face to face. I couldn't even get the manifest to come up. And now I need to go locate my clothing, I thought they would be in my quarters but, they are not. I am stuck in my dress uniform now." she took a drink of her rum, then continued. "I can't really complain about that, as in due time I will find them. I had been asked where the captain was and I um... figured out an excuse as they wanted me to have an image taken with said captain. I told them that the captain had been called away on an emergency call."

She finished her drink and motioned for another. Of which the Bartender obliged. "Thank you." Jade said.

It dawned on Ans who she was. Something had made him pick her out of a line of possible Executive Officers. An urge had pulled him toward her and he couldn't really explain why but at the time it seemed like the perfect match. Now he wasn't so sure. Still . . . better to play along and see where this conversation might lead.

"Have you heard much about this captain? What he's like?" He asked casually as he put his drink down on the bar and waved away the bartender's question of if he wanted another one.

Jade turned her attention to the man who came up to the bar, her eyes taking in the man who had light brown hair with some silver fleks and the noiticeable blue eyes of the man she was speaking to.

"It is a him, I thought it was, then someone told me that my captain would possibly be a woman, I got sort of confused there. It was frustrating me to say the least." Jade gave a wry laugh.

"Guess someone was having a little bit of fun at my expense." Jade shaking her head. "I was told that Captain Ambercrombie could be my Captain, a regular spitfire of a woman, who would keep me on my toes. And the one I had originally thought, would be my captain, I found out was a Captain Ansel Benoit. His description they did not say much. And I was trying to find out."

"They told me that he was a quiet man, rather mysterious, from the gossip several ladies were saying. A bit of a loner. The old biddies." Jade scoffed, then clapped her hand over her mouth.

"Pardon, I shouldn't be speaking like that. It was rather rude though, and made me ashamed, that there are still women like that even now. Jade giving a little bit of a huff. "Others had told me that, Captain Benoit was a nice guy, a humble and gentle man. "

"Hmm," Ans said a tiny bit amused by her slip of the tongue. "And yet he couldn't be bothered to show up for the ceremony. that must make things very frustrating for you." He sat down on the stool instead of leaning against the bar. His right hip had been bothering him the past couple of days from a holodeck exercise program where he'd overdone it slightly. Or rather he'd neglected to check out the program ahead of time to see the difficulty level and had tried to keep up.

"What's your name?" He asked casually, wanting to make sure he was talking to the right woman, but of course he was. Who else would be wearing a Commanders uniform on the ship.

"Jade Troconis, well if you add my rank, its Commander Jade Troconis. " The dark haired woman gazing at him, "As for my being frustrated, yes I was frustrated. I think it was more on the part of not knowing who my captain would be. " she turned towards the bartender, " Would you get me plain soda water with a twist of lemon please?" then Jade turned back towards the gentleman who was seated next to her.

"Honestly, maybe it was a good thing that he wasn't there, That sort of setting, trying to get a conversation with the CO of the ship, would have been difficult. Perhaps a lot of interruptions as he probably would have been deluged by congratulations, everyone trying to gain his attention. That wouldn't have been a good way to meet him."

Jade paused and looked around Sirens, "Now this, this would be a perfect spot to meet him. Something casual, and relaxed."

"Well in that case, I can help you with that." He stuck out his hand. "Captain Ansel Benoit at your service Commander. But as we're off duty I would very much prefer Ans. Sorry about not making it to the ceremony, I came aboard a bit early and honestly big crowds aren't really my thing."

Dumbfounded would be a good word for how Jade felt, maybe even Gobsmacked could be another one. She opened her mouth but no words would come forth. She.Was. Speechless. Not finding the words quite yet, Jade took his hand and shook it firmly, giving a slight smile, and a nod.

The bartender set the drink that Jade had ordered upon the counter, noting that the commander didn't seem to be able to speak. She directed her gaze to Ansel. "Captain, I think you broke her." having a twinkle in her eyes.

Ans was smiling quite warmly. He waved his hand. "Don't worry about it Commander. I backed you into that spot. Call it a failing of mine. I'm intensely curious about what people think of me, even those who have never met me. I suppose it's a curse of being a starship captain, you don't necessarily need people to like you but you do need them to trust you and I generally find that if you don't like someone you don't always trust them either. Let me make it up to you. The next diplomatic dinner we have, you can be excused. I'll come up with an excuse."

Jade chuckled, her smile rather warm. "Well, maybe I will take you up on that." picking up her lemon water, saying "Thank you" to the bartender, turned her attention back to the captain. "You are already proving to be a rather interesting captain, Ans." giving him a wink. "Since we are not on duty you can call me Jade." a sip of her water,
"Tell me something about yourself, Ans"Jade asked.

"Oh I'm not all that interesting. I'm pretty much a homebody when I'm not on duty and I have two pet guinea pigs, presents from my nieces. I couldn't say no to a four and seven year old. Other than that I enjoy a good book or a good holodeck program, that same as any man. Sorry you got stuck with such a boring one, but there it is."

Jade gave a light laugh, "There is a saying 'still waters run deep'. And also 'always best to keep an eye on the quiet ones. ' " giving a playful wink. "Other than that, I think it is adorable that your nieces gave you the two guinea pigs, I don't know if I will get a pet, if I do it maybe cat." she took another sip of her soda water, then added. "I am not a party animal either. I do like to curl up with a good book and have quiet time. It would be exhausting to continually operate on a high energy level"

"Very true. Sometimes it's exhausting being in command too," Ans admitted. "But I do love my work so I stay. Tell me Commander, what makes you stay in a position like this?"

Jade looked at Ans for a moment, wondering if he was meaning her being in Starfleet still or her being an XO. She decided to just answer the question covering the different aspects.

"I've enjoyed being in Star Fleet and following in the footsteps of my grandmother. She'd been in StarFleet for quite some time, in that aspect I have strong connection and history there. If you were referring to my being an XO, you'll be dealing with a newly minted executive officer." giving a bit of a smile. "I've served as a second officer on the USS Aberdeen. "

"Ahh, I see." Somehow he'd missed that on her record. That was alright, this wasn't his first ship so she would learn a few things. "Then it will be an experience for you. I can't promise it will be easy though."

Jade propped her right elbow upon the bar, as she looked at her captain with a serious expression in her eyes. "I maybe new to being an executive officer, however I didn't join StarFleet to just slide by in life and think it is an easy task. I've heard enough from my grandmother, as well as seen firsthand just how difficult things can get. Though this will be a different perspective being an XO. And I will be the first to admit that I do not know everything. I am not a know it all." giving a half smile.

"All right," Ans said holding up his hands as if surrendering. "I've tried to convince you, Don't say I didn't warn you when you wake up and realize you spent the best years of your life having the adventures of your dreams with an old man and a wayward crew." He smiled warmly. "Teasing aside, I need to get going. It's time for me to face the music of my treachery and put on a uniform. I'll see you on the bridge, Commander. O800 hours tomorrow we set off to places unknown."

Jade chuckled, "And that will give me time to find out where my clothing and other items have gone to. Hopefully they didn't end up in your quarters. That would be very embarrassing. You would probably be tripping over my box of books." she maybe joking about that, and hoped that wasn't true of where her belongings had gone to.

"And I don't think the clothes would fit me." Ans stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow. Enjoy your night."

Jade chuckled, he just wouldn't fit in her clothing. "Indeed Captain, most definitely, and thank you."


Captain Ansel Benoit
Commanding Officer
USS Victory

Commander Jade Troconis
Executive Officer
USS Victory


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