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Helm Meets XO

Posted on Mon Apr 24th, 2023 @ 5:39am by Ensign Max Belanger & Commander Jade Troconis

1,035 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Raising the Mast
Location: Bridge


It was still early and they hadn't begun to make plans to go on a mission. Jade dressed in her civvies with her com badge in her dark blue pants pocket stepped on the turbolift, to get to the bridge. She hadn't gone there yet, having had taken the time to retrieve her belongings from the Counselor's office. With that settled, she was going to get familiarized with the set up.

The lift door opened, with a quiet hiss, Jade stepped out and smiled. There wasn't anyone there yet. Wandering around the bridge, Jade looked at all the stations, near the back, behind the seat of command, running her fingers along the shiny curves of the consoles. She glanced at the two chairs which the captain and herself would be seated. Those she's wasn't going to sit in as of yet, Jade's eyes went towards the helm position and she smiled.

Jade walked down to that station and ran her hand across the back of the chair, then slid in the seat behind the flight console. It had been a while since she'd done this. Back in academy days and also in simulation on the holodeck for her certification. Without activating the console, Jade held her hands above the surface and mentally went over what she had learned. And in her mind she played some scenario of the ship dodging some asteroids, moving her body side to side in the chair. The dark haired woman had her eyes closed, as she did this, lost in the mental scenario.

"I have a terrific simulator program if you ever want to go head to head," Ensign Max Belanger had arrived on the bridge at some point in the last few minutes and was clearly deriving some amusement from watching the as-of-yet-unknown person pretend to dodge asteroids at his station -- he knew it was asteroids without even having to ask because it was almost always asteroids.

He steps down the bridge slowly toward the station, curious himself to sit behind the controls to get a feel for the station, but not at all willing to bump the woman from the seat. Perhaps she was also a flight control officer.

Jade's eyes snapped open, and she quickly swiveled around seeing someone there. Jade could feel warmth welling up in her cheeks. She'd been caught.

"Uh hi." scrambling up to move from the console. "You've got some simulator programs, you said?" hoping that her cheeks would cool down faster.

It was really no big deal to Max, but he found it kind of amusing and endearing that she was embarrassed by it. He crossed his arms and smirked with a nod, "Well, there's quite a few simulations on file. My favorite is the Pallas asteroid field, there's some crazy spin on some of those rocks. Makes it really challenging."

"Oh," he added, arms unfolding as he hand extended toward the woman who was clearly a few years older than he was, "Ensign Max Belanger. Nice to meet you....?"

Jade gave a light laugh, "That sounds fun, I need to brush up on my skills anyway. You'd probably fly rings around me though." taking his hand to shake it, her grip warm and firm. "I'm Commander Jade Troconis, Executive Officer. And you have the helm now." stepping to one side to give him access.

"Commander..." Max paled at the realization he'd been chiding the second in command. He stiffened up noticeably as he looked at now vacant chair. "Well, uh, thanks... but it's not like we're going anywhere just yet... right?"

"Yes that is true we're not going anywhere as of yet, but, I just wanted to say that one sentence to try it out." Jade smiling brightly. "And, just breathe, you are not in trouble, and I am not in uniform. Therefore, I am off duty for the time being. You can call me Jade, if you'd like to. I like to differentiate of rank when on duty, no rank off duty." She had noted that he went basically at attention.

"Yes, ma'am," he nodded. "I mean Commander... Jade." His jaw line tightened for a second and then he decided to just sit down at the console for a change of momentum. His fingers brushed the smooth dark surface, bringing the instrumentation cluster to life. Engines were off, but it was still gave off a beautiful cluster of data and lines. "I've been practicing on this class of ship. It's surprisingly responsive given the size ratio between the the nacelle coil array and the thrust power distribution cluster."

"If I am gathering from what you are saying, better at maneuvering in space than a Miranda class ship? That is what I am more familiar with." Jade stepping over slightly more to take a look at the data display. "I have a bit more to catch up I see." giving a slight sigh. "I may need a teacher."

"Oh, the Miranda is a classic," Max said, glancing up at Jade as she looked over the controls. "I don't know very many ships that can beat it on maneuverability. I'd hope Victory is comparable."

"Well, that will be for you to ascertain. I wasn't the one at the helm except for when it was necessary. " Jade giving a slight smile. "Before I touch the helm on this beautiful ship, I do need to get familiarized. That might fall upon your shoulders to get the XO up to par."

"It's like riding a bicycle," Max smirked and gave a nod. "But it'd be my honor."

"Thank you." she simply said, looking at Max then back around at the bridge. "Well then, I think I will take my leave and get back to familiarizing myself with the ship. I'll see you around Max, especially during flight." With that Jade moved away from the consoles and towards the turbolift. She paused turning back to Max, "I believe you to be a fine fit for piloting this ship. I truly do."

"Thank you, ma'am," Max said, jumping to his feet as she left the bridge. Once the turbolift doors closed behind her, he added, "And I hope I don't let you down."


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