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Nicolette you are alive

Posted on Sun Nov 10th, 2024 @ 8:10am by Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere & Commander Jade Troconis

1,182 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: In Between
Location: Nicoiette's Quarters

Instead of having people come to her office, Jade headed out to those who had arrived back on the ship, Nicolette being one of them. Jade was a bit worried about the Counselor after her harrowing experience. She took a chance to see if Nicolette was in her quarters pressing the chime. "I hope you are there," she whispered to herself.

Nicolette had decided after her medical checkup that she was going to get herself some sleep. There was a great deal of psychological benefits to sleep and after what she had experienced, she hoped that she would be able to do it. Perhaps the nightmares would stop now that she experienced the nightmare personally.

She opted for an oversized tee shirt for her sleepware and had just laid down on her bed when the chime rang. "Computer, lights on," Nicolette instructed. Not bothering to dress, she sat up in her bed and called out, "Come on in."

Jade stepped inside, "Oh! I am so sorry I hadn't realized you were going to sleep. I just came to check on you and see how you were doing," she stated as she walked further into the room.

"It is alright," Nicolette assured Jade in a soft voice. "As you can see, I am fine. Just going to sleep it all off."

"Then I shall take my leave," Jade turning to make her retreat from Nicolette's quarters. "I am glad that you are alive, it concerned me that you had almost drowned."

"I had accepted its inevitability," Nicolette replied softly. "It was a nightmare that I had my entire life," she admitted reluctantly. "I am more surprised that I am alive to tell the story and continue to serve the ship."

The counselor paused for a few moments before continuing. "Sleep will not likely come quickly, so if you would like to talk more, I am here."

Nicolette's words halted Jade's departure, she turned and made her way over to Nicolette's side. "When I saw you coughing up the sea water, it concerned me. I know that you were going through some dreadful fears as to where water is concerned. How are you feeling, now that the fear had caught up to you and you did not drown?"

"I am glad to be back amongst the stars," Nicolette responded in her soft spoken voice. "However, my problems are minor compared to those that the rest of the crew may have suffered. Think nothing of it."

Jade tilted her head slightly to one side as she contemplated Nicolette's words. "Everyone will have some issues from being flung back in time, myself included and, maybe answers are also something that can be found as well, by looking into our past."

A counselor was always on duty. She sat up straighter and asked, "Tell me about what your issues are. I will help, if I can."

Straightening her head, Jade pulled over a chair to take a seat next to Nicolette, "At the moment, I am working on checking in on the others to see how they are faring. Myself I have my own mystery where a man mistook me for someone else thinking I was his partner within a spy ring. That has perplexed me."

"Checking on everyone?" Nicolette asked blankly. "You are trying to take my job?" she asked flatly. "Though, I am curious about how someone in the past would have recognized you. It could be a clue."

"It could be a clue. and I am not trying to do your job. It is actually a part of the job of an XO to be checking in on the crew." She raised an eyebrow, not knowing if Nicolette had been joking or not. Jade decided to call this a learning experience.

"Your difficulty, could that stem from a memory of some sort?" Jade leaning back in her seat.

"I was joking," Nicolette said simply, wondering why half the time people did not understand her sense of humor. Then again, she had been accused a number of times of being unemotional.

"I've always had nightmares about drowning under boards. Perhaps it is over now that I nearly did. I'd rather not think about it or perhaps I will not sleep tonight. Besides, I am more curious about the clue you suspect."

"You were joking? Well I don't quite know you well enough yet to know your sense of humor," Jade answered.

"As for the clue. Maybe it was more on the basis that the man who came up and kissed me out of the blue slipping a message to me to meet him somewhere. Perhaps that was a clue? He acted like he knew who I was. Or that he thought he knew me." She shrugged. "Or, maybe it was just a case of mistaken identity. Now though I am rather curious as to what happened. Did he make it to the rendezvous with the person? Or did my getting the message instead make it to where the meeting was a failure?"

"Do you know his name?" NIcolette asked curiously. In matters of relations, her parent's French accent started to come out under her normal British accent.

"No I do not, I still have the note that the man had slipped into my reticule before he dashed away into the evening, Right after that, Max and I were grabbed and hauled into a room, the men thinking that we were spies. Poor Max, he got the worst of it." Jade gave a tsk and shook her head slightly. "We managed to escape and meet up with the rest of you in that barn."

"I remember." Nicolette's eyes stared in the distance for a moment before she asked, "Have you tried running the note through the computer. Perhaps it can come up with a DNA or fingerprint match for something in history?"

"That I haven't done yet, I hadn't even thought of it in truth. Good idea, I wish I had thought of it myself." She gave an approving nod to Nicolette. "Well, it does seem that I need to let you get some sleep and I hope that you don't have a nightmare as to our experience." Jade made a move to get up from the chair and go on about her way.

Nicolette's lips curved upwards slightly. "I appreciate the check in and I am glad to be of assistance. It is my job.... I see sometimes what others do not." The Counselor yawned. "But, yes, now, I should get some sleep. Maybe it is over for for me after this. There is only one way to find out, though."

"What you say is true, i just hope that we'll be able to find out why we are being sent on this strange journey, and will we be able to get ourselves back home." Jade gave a smile, and made her exit out of Nicolette's quarters. This truly concerned her as to what and how this will affect the crew.

Commander Jade Troconis
Executive Officer
USS Victory

Lieutenant Nicolette Riviere
Chief Counselor
USS Victory


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