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Troconis and Foster

Posted on Mon Oct 23rd, 2023 @ 10:42am by Commander Jade Troconis & Lieutenant Commander Matthew Foster

1,175 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Raising the Mast
Location: Science Labs
Timeline: Current

The door to the science area swooshed open, and Commander Jade Troconis walked inside. Her goal was the botanical area of the science labs, where she had started some plants from cuttings she had brought with her. She gave a friendly wave to several who were there. A smock was placed over her uniform to keep it from getting dirty, and Jade went to check on the plants. She was hoping that the cuttings were successful in taking root, so that she can take them into her quarters.

Jade had brushed her dark brown hair back into a braid, in order to keep it from getting in her way. "there you are my lovelies." she greeted the herbs, Sage, Lavendar, Peppermint and Rosemary.

After a brief visit to his quarters to drop off his duffel, Matt left to explore the rest of the ship. His first destination was his office in the science department. It had become something of a tradition that he went to examine his work area as soon as he could after arriving at a new posting. As he walked through the corridors, he grew impressed with the size of the Victory. He'd spent the last 9 years assigned to the cramped confines of dedicated science vessels. His quarters alone seemed almost decadent, being easily 4 or 5 times as spacious as those he'd had previously. He was quite pleased with them.

Matt found the office adjacent to the main suite of science labs after only a couple of wrong turns. The door was locked, but a thumb to the reader next to the door gave him access. The office was a blank state. He mind whirled with ideas for personalizing the space, particularly the set of shelves behind the desk. It was a very fine office that would serve him well.

Matt stepped out through a door that connected his office with the side corridor that held the labs. Most of the labs had large windows that allowed work in the lab to be observed from the corridor. He strolled along, looking in on the proceedings. There weren't many people in the section at the moment, not surprising as the ship was still in final preparations for launch. In one lab, a pair of crew members sat at a workbench, deep in discussion. In another, a technician and an engineer were installing a quantum spectrometer. He continued down the corridor. He saw someone working in the botany lab and went to check it out.
The woman stood with her back to him. He noted her long, dark hair, sensibly braided, and arched an eyebrow at the command red of her uniform.

"Hello," he said in a friendly tone. "You're not one of mine."

Jade was just changing the water where her cuttings were, and gave a slight start. Turning slightly she looked at the man who had spoken to her. "Oh hello, I'm Commander Troconis, I could invariably say, you are one of mine." she remarked with a warm smile. " I am the Excutive Officer of this fine ship. And you are?"

Matt smiled back and performed a loose and sloppy salute. "Sir," he replied. "I'm Lieutenant Commander Foster, Chief Science Officer, but you can call me Matt."

He looked over the cuttings. "You've got yourself quite a project here."

"I do indeed, but it is something I enjoy doing. It is relaxing and fascinating as well. Just some of my quirks you might say. I do like botany as well as gardening. And you can call me Jade." grinning ear to ear. "So, you are our Chief of Science" she put down the cutting she had been working on, wiped her hand upon a blue towel she had next to her, then held out her hand to shake his. "Pleasure to meet you."

Matt shook her hand. "And it's a pleasure to meet you as well, uh, Jade," he replied, stumbling over the last bit. He wasn't used to being so informal with superior officers so soon after first meeting them.

He leaned against a counter and watched her work for a moment.

"Chief of Science," he mused. "This is my first assignment as a department head, and I have to admit to feeling a bit nervous about it."

She leaned in and said in an almost a conspiratory tone, "Well now, you can join the club of firsts. It is a rather elite group I tell you. This is my first time being an XO, so like I had mentioned to an ensign I met, I am going to be making mistakes from time to time. I am only human."

Matt barked out a laugh. "That’s certainly true. None of us are perfect," he replied with a wry grin. He felt a tension he hadn't noticed until then ease. "I think you're going to do fine. You've helped me already."

"Thank you for saying that, it has made me feel better. I am glad I decided to come check on the cuttings I've got rooting. " she looked at the cuttings she was examining and gave a delighted squeal. "oh look! I see some tiny roots there."

Matt bent to get a closer look. He always felt a thrill whenever he saw life living.

"Incredible," he muttered. He straightened with a laugh.

"I have a PhD. in biology, but I can't grow plants for the life of me."

Jade placed the cuttings back into the water. "Almost ready to plant into some soil, then voila once they start giving out green leaves I can put them into some dirt and fresh herbs will be had. And I am looking forward to their scent." giving out a sigh of rapture at that very thought.

"Do you plan to cook with them?" Matt asked. "It's amazing how popular a hobby it is among Starfleet officers."

"I may make use of them for some cooking. Mainly make some fresh tea from the herbs, also it has been known that just the scent of freshly crushed herbs has an uplifting of one's spirits." Jade remarked.

Matt nodded. "I'm fond of herbal tea myself, particularly some of the Vulcan blends," he said. "They just don't taste right from the replicator. Perhaps you'll have enough to share."

He stood up straight and stretched. "Well, I should stop bothering you. I have the rest of the ship to explore, and as you know, it's quite large. I also want to visit my friend down in Ceteacean Ops."

"You'll have to tell me about your friend sometime. As it is, you were not bothering me and it was lovely talking to you." Jade giving a smile. "Enjoy the rest of the day, Matt." she then turned back to finish up with her plants before she needed to get back to work.

"Same to you, Jade," Matt replied as he left the lab on his way to explore the rest of the ship.

Commander Jade Troconis
Executive Officer
USS Victory

Lt Commander Matthew Foster
Chief Science Officer
USS Victory


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