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Check Up

Posted on Wed Oct 11th, 2023 @ 4:40pm by Commander Jade Troconis & Ensign Max Belanger

1,270 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Raising the Mast
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current

Ensign Max Belanger had not been avoiding sickbay, but it wasn't high on his list of priorities either, being a pretty healthy, active young man with no notable health issues, it was mearly to fulfill a regulatory requirement on someone's checklist. A few days had passed since he'd arrived on Victory before he finally walked through the large doors into the ship's sickbay.

"Just put them over with the other boxes!" A voice called out from the Doctors office.

Max blinked and smirked in amusement. "Uh, this one is marked Live Animals! And it's making a weird noise," he called back, barely missing a beat.

"Great stick it with...wait, live animals?" Moller replied with surprise as he popped his head out of his office. "Where?"

Max pointed to himself as he grimaced, not knowing how that joke was going to land. "Sorry. Me. I'm the live animal."

"You must be the doctor," Max deduced since the guy was giving orders and occupying the CMO's office. "I'm an incoming transfer. Actually, my first assignment. Should I have made an appointment? I can come back?"

"Oh, my mistake. I thought you was that irritating crewman who has been ferrying medical supplies up that was misdelivered to the cargobay." The Doctor said with a sigh as he exited his office. "No appointment necessary, Ensign. Please hop up on the main bio bed and we shall begin." He added as he strode past the Ensign pointing to the bio bed in the center of sickbay.

Max followed the directions and sat onto the biobed. His vitals were immediately visible on the display. "How long have you been serving on starships?" he asked casually, noting the CMO seemed on the younger side, maybe six or seven years older than himself.

"This is only my second posting a board a starship and my first as chief medical officer, however, on my last assignment i basically ran the sickbay as the chief and nurse was always off shagging." The Doctor said as he picked up a PADD and activated it. "Can you confirm your name for me?"

"Uh, yeah," Max had been thrown off for a second with the comment about the nurse, but recovered at the question. "Max Belanger, Ensign, Flight Control."

"Ah yes. Your details have come over." The Doctor stated as he continued to read the PADD. "So you suffered a broken arm and collar bone at the academy, but other wise in good health. Is this still correct?"

Max answered with a nod and a smirk, recalling back to the incident his second year. Despite the pain and temporary inconvenience of the injuries, it was a good memory harkening from the stupidity of youth. "Yes, sir, that's correct. Old scratches and bruises aside, I'm as good as ever."

Steffan nodded as he continued to browse the Ensign's medical records. "Good. Well, shall we give you the once over and clear you for active duty?" The Doctor asked but it was merely a rhetoric. The Ensign was here, seemed a wasted journey not do the medical. He pulled his tricorder out of his blue medical jacket pocket and opened it.

"I suppose so," Max answered with a smirk as he stayed still for the scan -- he didn't know if staying still was really necessary, but it was just something he'd always done. "I honestly assumed you already scanned me when I sat down on the bed," he admitted. "I mean why else would I be here. Maybe you get a lot of social calls, though. I never would have guessed. Not that you're not, you know, a nice person. I guess. Just.. you know, it's kind of a weird place to hang out with friends. I'd guess the lounge is more popular for that."

The patient cleared his throat. "Sorry. I get chatty when I'm nervous. Not that I'm really nervous... I'm just..." he tried to crane his neck up to get a glimpse of the doctor's tricorder. "All good?"

"Your vitals are looking good. I do have some questions for you to answer." He said as he closed the tricorder and picked up the PADD again. "So, do you have any known allergies?"

"I once had a reaction to a pickled hvarish sandwich while I was visiting Volantis IV, but then I think they determined it was actually a pollen problem instead. Numb lips and tongue, scratchy throat. So I don't think so, but maybe," Max answered as honestly and as verbosely as possible.

Moller made a note on the Ensign's file. "Are you into any extreme sports or activities that may require more visits to sick bay than the average officer?"

"Um, well," Max thought on the question. "Nothing too extreme, I think. Nothing like atmospheric parachuting or anything -- though now that I say that aloud, it could be fun to try once. I would absolutely try that."

"Right..." The Doctor said at length as he made notes on his PADD. "Have you recently had sexual activities with non human species?"

Max immediately flushed red as he glanced about for anybody within earshot and rubbed the side of his nose, "I uh --- I mean, well, not recently."

"How about non humanoid species?" The Doctor asked as he continued to make notes on his PADD.

"Isn't that what you just asked?" Max was clearly flushing with mild embarassment. "I mean... human or not, I'm not really getting much lately. Does .. uh.. does that answer it?"

"No, Ensign. The first question i asked was about non human sexual activities. The second was non humanoid species. Both very different things." The Doctor smiled. "Shall i put undisclosed and let your superior officer investigate further?"

Max looked alarmed and furthered reddened as he defended emphatically, "I'm not not disclosing anything! I haven't had, you know," he lowered his voice, "sexual... uh, activities, with anyone in a long time. Human, humanoid, or not. Is this really necessary? Are you seeing something on the scan?" He started to crane his neck to get a better look at the doctor's notes on the PADD.

Steffan moved his tricorder away from the Ensigns prying eyes. "I want you to answer my questions honestly. It is necessary for the health and safety of the crew. You'll be surprised how many nasty deseases can be spread via sexual contact."

"I am being honest!" Max said with exasperation. "My last partner was over two years ago! I think if there was something wrong it would have shown up by now."

"Alright, Ensign. Calm down please. I don't want the ins and outs of your sexual activity...or lack of it." The Doctor said as he continued to make notes. He glanced up at the medical read out above the Ensign's head. "Hmm, blood pressure is a little high." He commented.

"Oh? You think so?" Max said, biting back harsher thoughts on the doctor's comments. "I think I'm developing an allergy to medical officers."

"Interesting. If that's the case, I'll have to admit you into Sickbay and give you a full work up." The Doctor replied, continuing to make notes.

A nurse came up to where the Doctor and Max were at. "Doctor, there is a message for you, and it is urgent. " she handing the message to him.

One look and the doctor left without another word. The nurse took a look at Max, "From what I am seeing, you are in good health and nothing to worry about. You are free to go." giving a bit of a smile.



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