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Where are we?

Posted on Thu Feb 1st, 2024 @ 6:47am by Commander Jade Troconis & Ensign Max Belanger

914 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Raising the Mast

It was that flash of light that blinded Jade for a moment, then she realized that she wasn't in her normal uniform of Star Fleet. Instead she was dressed in a lilac colored dress, low in the neck, short sleeve the soft material ending to the floor. In fact she had slippers which were made of leather. About her shoulders was a winter cloak as the material the dress she was wearing was a bit thin, it being made of silk. The cloak reached to her ankles. It was hooded made of dark blue wool and lined for even more warmth. Her hair was swept up into a soft hairstyle a chignon with a frame of curls about her face, and a circlet with a semi precious gem an amethyst in the center. About her throat was a silver necklace with amethyst. , She was just getting ready to remove it the cloak, to speak to the captain, when there was another flash of light and she was no longer there on the bridge of the USS Victory.

When her eyes cleared once more, Jade found herself upon a cobblestone street and a cargo wagon pulled by two draft horses, come barreling towards her.

"Get out of the way!" The wagon master bellowed, accented by a crack of a whip echoing in the air.

Jade looked wildly about, to find a place to dash to, not wanting to dive into the water as she was next to the docks.

Max Belanger instinctively reached out for the woman's arm and pulled her safely aside to allow the wagon to pass. "Watch where you are going!" he snapped quickly at the passing driver, his accent suddenly dripping heavily of French influence.

Casting a glance at the face of the woman he had rescued and just then realizing it to be Commander Troconis, he let go of her in complete surprise. "Commander! What is..." His attention had jumped to his own arm and then body, which he noticed was clothed in strange fabrics he did not recognize. "Where... are... we?"

Jade's eyes widened slightly at the close call and her rescue. "Max?" her voice having more of a Spanish flavor to it. "We are in 1805 the month of October, the 20th. And we are on Earth in the past. You look... magnifico." taking a look at Max's outfit, then she looked around, "We need to see if the others have experienced this, we need to find them. That eez if they have been brought here somehow."

A somewhat playful smile appeared, "Make certain to not use my rank, call me, Miss Troconis and you will be my escort, so make certain you offer me your arm." Jade added.

"Mademoiselle," Max was still slightly blushing from the compliment on how he looked. "I have a lot of questions, but what is with zee accent?" he inquired, not realizing at all he had one of his own. He glanced around, scanning for anyone else he might recognize from Victory.

"You have a bit more of a French accent, Senor Belanger, let us get away from the dock and we can get this sorted out." Jade looked down at her wrist noting she had a reticule, a moderately sized bag, she looked in and saw there was some money there, as well as the commbadge. She leaned in and whispered. "Max, check your inner jacket pocket and see if you have your commbadge."

Max took a moment to pat himself down, eventually finding the small commbadge in some obscure waist pocket. "Oui," he confirmed with a nod, leaving the device out of sight.

As he looked up, movement further along the pier caught his eye. "That might be our... uh.... party up there."

Jade took a look, "It does appear to be them." a little bit of a relieved note to her voice. "Let us join them." preparing herself to go in that direction. Just as they were setting off, a man came running up grabbed Jade, swept her into his arms and kissed her soundly then just as suddenly he let her go and dashed away, being chased after by three men.

"Well now, erm.." Jade feeling a little bit bemused at what just happened, a soft blush rising in her cheeks. "Yes, er lets get with the others."

"What the..." Max watched the man run away along with the people following her, then looked over at Jade and wasn't sure whether to offer her emotional support or brush it off. He clenched his jaw and followed her lead.

As Max turned to begin walking toward the other crew members they had spotted, another pair of men in some kind of uniform came up and grabbed him roughly by the shoulder. "Stop righ' there. We got some questions," the man looked over at Jade. "You don't look familiar neither. You a strumpet or you with him?"

A quick raise of an eyebrow, Jade then stated "I am with him. He is with me. " Jade getting a sinking sensation in her stomach.

"You will come with us then." As another took her by the elbow and firmly guided her in the direction they were taking Max in.

Max twisted his head back to look at Jade. He wore a look of sheer terror. Beyond her, the docks and some of the other crew they had spotted. No one seemed to have noticed them or the predicament they had gotten themselves into.


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