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Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 8:04pm

Ensign H'Mesint

Name H'Mesint

Position Chief Support Craft Pilot

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Caitian
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 6ft3in
Weight 180
Hair Color Tan fur. Darker hair
Eye Color blue
Physical Description on the taller side. scar on right eye and another on right forearm
medium build
when not in uniform prefers casual clothing
similar in appearance to a terran mountain lion


Personality & Traits

General Overview Generally still a kid in many respects. Has a good sense of right and wrong which he uses to influence his decisions. Eager to please though
Ambitions Just do his beast and stay on the right side of the law
Hobbies & Interests Dabbles in holoprograms

Personal History Orphaned at early age, young H'Mesint had to make his way the best that he could. So he started stowing away on various cargo ships beginning at the age of 6. And for a time he was lucky enough to get caught.

when at ports he would steal whatever food he could. that is until his luck ran out. One day as he grabbed a piece of fruit, he felt his arm grabbed in kind. H'Mesint looked up to see a rather angry Andorian. His blue fingers were like a vice, the young caitian couldn't get away

Just then phaser fire broke out, causing the Andorian to release the scared kitten. Syndicate people had the same idea, only they were armed. The raided the area and ran. One of the raiders, a nausicaan spoke up. "Kid! You coming?" H'Mesint did indeed come

He spent the last few years with them. Going on numerous raids. Over that time H'Mesint learned how to fly. It was then he found his calling. And also when his conscience started to bother him. For a time he justified it by telling himself "Im just a pilot." repeatedly.

That was until a skirmish when his overzealous captain fired on a law enforcement vessel, destroying it.

Disgusted at that action, H'Mesint stole a shuttle and just flew, hoping to get away. Eventually he found a starfleet outpost

Luckily he wasnt arrested. Instead he was goven the option to join starfleet. he gladly accepted
Service Record Stowaway

Syndicate Pilot
