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Wed Sep 18th, 2024 @ 1:51pm

Commander Alinar Vasatra

Name Alinar Vasatra

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species El Aurian
Age 205

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 4"
Weight 230 lbs
Hair Color Black, but often shaves head.
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Alinar stands a very broad shouldered and built man. He keeps himself in impeccable shape and usually shaves his head. He can at times style his beard or lets it grow out a little more.


Father Zhoron Vasatra
Mother Saida Vasatra
Brother(s) Shyrrik Vasatra
Camus Vasatra
Thuridan Vasatra
Sister(s) Rania Vasatra
Alagossa Vasatra

Personality & Traits

General Overview Alinar is fiercely loyal to his friends and those he trusts. He often puts himself in harms way to protect others, even at times when it is not needed.

Can at times seem distant but is often planning his next move.
Ambitions Find that next challenge, the next race and cross that finish line.
Build his own race shuttle.
Retire to a beach-laden world of his own.
Hobbies & Interests LOVES racing. Any kind really, and has been on every circuit he could get on. Is known around the quadrant as a 'speed freak' and wiling to take on any dangerous route, new or old. Currently holds the fastest time on a number of tracks on a number of planets. Hold Starfleet Academy record for most shuttles trashed (not something Starfleet brags about).

Other than that has a keen interest in fitness and sports in general. Has a keen interest in firearms and anything technological that can help him push the adrenaline envelope.

Personal History Alinar was always a boundary pusher, an adrenaline junky for lack of a better term. From his younger years on El Auria and the surrounding space he’d always sought a challenge, something to beat and if it contained excessive speed; he was in.

His life on his home world was short. His parents tried to guide him to more noble pursuits, art, science, even military pursuits of their own world but his mind was always set on doing his own thing and his young heart and attitude towards life would reinforce that.

Earlier years saw him racing brothers home, fighting with older bullies and sometimes those that were not even bullying anyone he knew. His sense of justice and moral centre were unflappable and he had no issue throwing his weight around.

By the age of 15 he was already over 6 foot and 200 lbs.

He took advantage of that whenever he could.

He did his ‘time’ in education, staying until he was 45 and was instructed to choose a speciality even though it was predetermined that his strengths lay in security/military backgrounds. Alinar decided that he would reject that ‘opportunity’ and go his own way.

Alinar scaled the walls of Everto IV with no safety gear. He learned to race speedsters and shuttles under the illustrious Lew Ha on Arslon II. He was sponsored for many years and won tournaments and races across the quadrant but his desire for adventure would eventually win out and he would move on.

He would move from system to system and eventually find his way to the Alpha/Beta quadrants of the galaxy. He’d fight in sponsored battles with species that were willing, even finding some underground fights that were not so much rule based as they were a free for all and winner takes all.

A name would be made for himself in the early 2300’s on many a racetrack on the ground and up in space but his fire began to dwindle. There was only so much that he could win before it became stale and the attitude of ‘been there, done that’ became more commonplace.

In the 2340s he sought a new challenge in the form of Starfleet enrolling in their Academy on Earth situated in the Sol System. During his time on Earth he specialised in flight control, as well as security/tactical classes, and he made many friends, some long enough lasting that to this day he is still in contact with Miles O’Brien. Miles was enlisted and therefore they didn’t move in the same circles but he met him on a night out once and they struck up a good friendship from merely challenging each other to a game called darts and seeing how many pints they could down before someone impaled someone with a projectile.

By 2346 Alinar had graduated from the Starfleet Academy and took up the role of junior tactical officer, alongside O’Brien, on the USS Rutledge under Captain Benjamin Maxwell. During that time he fought alongside his Captain, Miles and the crew of the Rutledge throughout the Federation-Cardassian War. It was also during this time he took on more of the role with his flight expertise.He took charge of a few fighter wings during his tenure on the ship as well.

Alinar was present after the Setlik III massacre and used his skills as a pilot to ferry people to safety whilst under fire. This included colonists, Starfleet personnel and equipment needed for relief efforts.

In 2365 shortly after a cease-fire was enforced and then an armistice a year later Alinar left the Rutledge for the USS Yellowstone in 66.

It was on the Yellowstone that he took a more active role in flight and moved away from security/tactical. He would always still have a love for that but knew where the lines were drawn. The Yellowstone takes part in the Battle of Wolf 359 and takes massive damage. The ship is only kept in one piece by the multiple talents on board the ship but majorly down to the flying skills of Alinar.

In 2368 gets into a disagreement with a superior officer about the Federation-Cardassian War. Alinar strikes said officer and its brought up on charges. As witnesses agree both officers were at fault for the fight both are reprimanded and demoted one rank.

2369 see’s Alinar resign his commission from Starfleet. Rumours band around about a group of disgruntled officers of Starfleet, Federation colonists and whatnot that end up forming the Maquis. Alinar does not agree with the decision to secede populated Federation worlds to the Cardassians and helps form the resistance.

Over the years works alongside Thomas Riker, Calvin Hudson and Michael Eddington on Athos IV. However, as the Dominion War escalated the Maquis numbers greatly diminished with most ending up dead or in Federation prisons. It was the latter for Alinar.

He was captured trying to escape a Jem’Hadar massacre on the Maquis. His cell on Rovalren II was mostly decimated trying to protect the colony on that world. Alinar managed to get a dozen children onto a shuttle and even with a broken collarbone got them off the planet. Battered and bruised he was picked up by the USS Sunderland.

In early 2374 Alinar was asked to assist in the testing of a new prototype shuttlecraft. He did so under some protest and under the condition that his sentence be reduced.

Late 2374 Alinar is asked to assist in several Starfleet operations under a temporary commission. Joins the USS Genoa and after 6 months service and battle commendations, notably saving the life of the first officer, Commander Gene Kelly. This leads to Alinar getting reinstated back into Starfleet which he accepts… It was better than going back to New Zealand.

Joined the USS Alliance as its Chief Flight Control Officer in 2375. It was a time of turbulence in Alinar's life as most looked at him with either respect, or disgust. It depended on where your sympathy lay but the service he'd led in 2 wars still held good sway with most.

In 2379 he decided to move on with the promise the bar rank would become pips again and that was true. A replacement of two pips took place on his uniform when he took up the position of Chief of Strategic Operations on DS3. His role coordinating traffic, logistical work and keeping his hand in a few other pots.

From that role he was given the chance of being a first officer on the Miranda class USS Triumph and was promoted to Lieutenant Commander in 2393 due to time served as well as job performance. He had managed to turn the ship around as efficiency had hinted at their decommission before he arrived. His work ethic and how he led the crew raised everyone's game.

In 2398 he joined the USS Seward in the same role under Captain Murphy Law before he moved on and was replaced by a Captain Jane Saulitis.
Service Record 2342 -> 2346 - Cadet Freshman to Senior, Starfleet Academy.
2346 -> 2366 - Security/Tactical, USS Rutledge. Later takes up more roles in his chosen track; flight/piloting.
2366 -> 2369 - Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Yellowstone. Reprimanded in 68 for striking a superior officer, demoted one rank to Lieutenant.
2369 - Resigns commission.

** Member of the Maquis**
Captured & imprisoned in 2373.

Requested by Starfleet to assist in Dominion War due to loss of experienced officers. Joins USS Genoa. Temporary rank given.

Eventually leading to provisional restoration of rank Lieutenant in 2374 due to notable actions during engagements.

2375 -> 2379 - Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Alliance. Given provisional rank of Lieutenant, like most Maquis wears the bar rank across his uniform as opposed to pips.

2379 -> 2387- Chief Strategic Operations Officer, Deep Space 3. Is given a restoration of rank, no longer provisional. Maintains Lieutenant rank.

2387 -> 2399 - First Officer, USS Triumph. Promoted to Lieutenant Commander upon acceptance of the role and promoted to full Commander in 2393.

2398 -> PRES - First Officer, USS Seward.